
Ex-Gov. Jerome was in the city over Sunday. Mrs. Wm. McCrccry on south Fourth at , a quite ill. Geo. Osius expects to start forGermany Saturday next. F. Schmid, of Mack & Sehmid. left for Chicago last night. Mr. Bishop, of Kansas City, Mo., was In the city last week. Mrs. James Cleinents gave au afternoon coft'ee last Saturday. Joe. T. Jacobs was in Mt. Clemens the latter part of last week. Pliilip Bach, Jr., arrived in the city last week fi-om New Mexico. Miss Mina Adams, of Albion, is the guest of Miss Minnie Gregg. John Keek is out again and hopes to go East the latter part of the week. Prof. M. C. Tyler was the guest of Prof. C. K. Adams while in the city. Miss Eva Beal, of Nortliville, has been visiting iu the city for a few days past. The Misses Cleinents on State street gave a pleasant card party Monday eveuing. Mr. Allmendinger, our orgau manufacturer, was in Cantón last week ou business. Mrs. Sarah W. Chipman is spending the winter with hor sister in Birmlng. ham, Ala. Mr. T. Schmid, of Chicago, has been spending a few days with liis brotlir Fred Schmid, Jr. Mrs. Gross, of Freedom, who died on the 17th inst , was an aUDt of Mr. Fred Hutzel, of our city. Mrs. Hollister, on Maynard street, has been very low for several weeks. She is reportad some better. Mrs. "Whedou and Mrs. Spenee spent last Wednesday In Ypsilanti, theguestsof Mrs. L. D. Showeruian. Mrs. Aaron F. Gay is said to have roceived $24,000 iife insurance from the policies on Mr. Gay's life. C E. Worden, who has been visiting at liome for several weeks, left for San Francisco, Cal., yesterday. Mr. dirimes, of Jackson, was in the city last week in the interests of the Travelers' insurance company. Prof. J. B. Steere has been advertised as one of the speakers at the Union convention held in Masón, Mich., to-day. Dr. Charles B. Allyu, medio '77, died at O range City, Florida, on the 8th inst. Ho was knowii hy many in this vicinitv. Miss Hinchman, of Detroit, who v.sited Miss Wheeler on West Hurón street a portion oft he past weck, left for home on Fri'lny. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Robison drovo over to Aun Albor, Tuesday, to see Mr. K.'s motlier who is very sick. - Manchester Enterprise. The Misses Russell, of Detroit, who were the guests of Mr. and Mis. H. J. Brown a few days last week, returned home Friday. Air. J. M. Wheeler left Monday afternooü to join his wife at Logansnort, Ind., thence to start shortly for Florida, to be gone several weeks. O. F Webster was made secretary and treasurer of the third Michigan cavaliy at their reunión organization in Grand Rapids last Saturday. Fred Travis, of Ann Arbor, and Miss Carrie Hewitt, of Ypsilanti, gave the writer a short but pleasant cali on Friday , evening last. - Saline Observer. Chas Fantle returned from St. Paul last week. Whiie there he purchased two dwelling houses. He expects to lócate in business at that point in April. George Wiedeman, who with son was struck by the night express at Dexter one week ago to-night, died this morning. It is thought that the son will recover. L. D. Taylor returned from Cincinnati Saturday. He reports a fine time at the Opera Festival, though things were somewhat damp about Cincinnati in consequence of the recent floods. Col. Burleigh, who was playing in " Lights o' London " in Detroit last week, a? given a "supper" by his city friends Friday evening. B. F. Bower, well known here, took part In the arrangements. Geo. M. Chester, editor of Detroit Chaff, was in the city Monday. By the way, Mr. Chester was the flrst manager of Roland Reed, who played in "Cheek" on Monday night at the Opera House. Peter B. Ingalls is reported much better. The physician in attendance pronounce it the most rapid recovery of any similar case in their experience. Mr. Ingalls was able to be up and about the house In a few days aft er the attack. Hou. J. J. Robinson while in Detroit last week, dropped into the Rocorder's Court to hear his son, who is deputy prosecuting attorney for Wayne coiinty, open the case of the State against Wilson, for the niunler of Bullard the policeman.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Peter B. Ingalls