Business Locáis. " Guess" at The Two Sa...

Business Locáis. " Guess" at The Two Sama. " Guess " at The Two Sams. " Guess '' at The Two Sarus. IliiTli School students will find at the Postofflce News Depot a cheap lot of Essay Paper Packkts. Mr. A. F. Martin, a well known citizen in connection with a heavy luinber house of the Süginaiv Valley, is about to open a new luinber yard at the corner of Main and Madison streets, one of the best locations In the city for sueh purpose, and on the line of the Toledo & Ann Arbor Railroad. They will keep a stock, when t arrives,suffieient to meet alldemands of the city and vicinlty, and will make a specialty of furnishing special bilis and car load lots. Their stoek is already on the ail and headed this way. Look for their ad. when it arrivés whicli will be poon. Then Mr. Martin is an old citizen, born In the county ;.nd a practical builrter, and thoujrh they will not follow building, can offer practical sugges'ions to those contemplating building. Tlie new house will be known as A. F. Martin & Co., and will endeavor, by square dealing, to merit the patronage of the people of Ann Arbor and vicinity. 2wll84 WHAT A WOMAN SAYS. Minb Ron Fubnace, Va., Jan. 31, 1884. E. St. John, O. T. á, P. A., Chicago. II!. Your valuable Cook Book came to hand, for which accept my thanks. It is a treasure, for its Recipes are plata, and the book is well gotten up; lts typographical nd general make up speaks well for your depaxtment in doingsomuch for the "Women of America." May your Road be as succeeiful as evcry woman will be who follows yonr Cook Book, and every man who eats thereafter. Yours truly. Mrs. M. R. Karsters. This beautiful book contains 128 pages, with illuniinated covers. Sent on receipt of Ten Cents in stamps or cash. Address E. SL. tTOllli, O. T. P. A., ClUoagn, III Guess at The Two Sams. Guess at The Two Sams. Guess at The Two Sams.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News