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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. New Spring Hosiery now on exhibitiou at Bach & Abel's. We place on sale this week the tinest line of new black goods ever shown in Aim Arbor, consistingof Drap D'Alma'g, Arniurcs, Caahmere, Tricots, Oltomans, Heinicttns, Barytheas, and Sntlns. We woultl like the privilege of showing tlieni. Bach & Abel. New Luces, New Rucliings, New Neckwear, New Collars and New Buttons, now on sale at Bach & Abel's. The best 50 and 75c Corset in the world, now on sale at Bach & Abel's. We will selluntil sold outouroveretrap Horse Blanket, 70c our tWO trap Horse Blanker, 75c ; our handsome üght Blankot at $1.00, very i-heap ; 50 dozen towels go on sale this week at 25c each, the best valué for the money ever sliovvn. Look nt tliem. Bach & Abel. We will givc you this week the best Black Jersey you ever have seen, at the low price of $2.00, all wool. Come and try tliem on if you don't want to buy. BACn & Abel. ¦Nwmoo 6.i3a v v hovs AYER'S Sarsaparilla (Mires Itfieuraatism, Neuralgia, lïlieumatic Gmrt, General Debility, Catarrh, and all dtaonlerf m-.-d by a tliin and inipoverished, or eorrupted, conditïon of tho blood; expelling the MO&(1-ijiHis from tlio system, enricliing and rnTtnj,' the blood, and restoring its vitalizing peur-. PurÍKg a long period of unpnrnlleled usefulnoft. AYKtt's SarsaI'AHIlla has proven its perfeot adaptation to the cure of all diseases crígiiiating in poor blood anda weakened vitality. It is a hihly eonceiilrated extract of Sarsaparilla and otlier blood-imrifying; rootH, romiiiin'ri with Iodide of Potuslnm and Iron, and is the safest, most reliable, and most eeonomical blood-porlfier and bloud-íood tbat oan be BSöd. Inflamniatory Kheumntisin Cnred. "Avek's Saksapakilla has eun'il me of the Infinnnnatory Kheumatism, with whk-h I have Biiffered for liinuy yeari. W. H. Jlooiti.." JMitham, la., March '.', UK. " Eight yparsago I had an nttack of Rhejimatlsni so severe that I oould not move from the bed, or dras, without help. 1 trled several remedies without much if any relief, until 1 took ATBB'S Saksai-AHILLA, by the uso of two bottlrs of which 1 was completely cured. I havo not heen troubled with the Itheunuitiii) sinet1. Have bold hirie quautities of your Saksaimrii.i.a, and it fitill retains itswonderful populftrity. The inany notabla cures It bas eiïected ín this vioinitv convinee me that it is the best blood medicine ever oüered to tlie public. K. F. HABK18." iSlver St., liucUaud, Mass., May 13, Ipm;. " Last March I was so weak from Rernral debillty that I could not walk w uhoul help. Following the adrice of a friend, I óommenced takhiff Aykk's and before 1 had used three bottles 1 feit as well as 1 ever did i r life. I have been at work now for two months, and think your Sahsai'AUilla the greateat blood medicine in the world. James ÏIaïsahi." C0 West tíd St., New Yurk, July 1U, 1882. , Ayek's Sarsatarilla cures Scrof la and all Sorofulou ConiplaintH, Kr.vsipelaK, Kczoma, KingM'orm, ;lo( lic, Sores, Bolla, Tumors, and Eruption8 of the Skin. ftclears the blood of all impurities, aids digestión, stinm. latos the action of the bowels, and thus rcstures vitality aud strengtheus the whole system. PEEPAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price SI, six bottles Í5. ABlLlTYr WJiÜGWJ f-11 THIS PAPER L IRRAIMRM I on FILE and Kp ÊRS15TEK 11 PMI"JB TertiHincontracti B S J (JOOD H f or It and all other H GOOD Iadtipi rel c'spapera in th HiinAfopApn }JiTlCLESJ trorWcan bemada ¦NtTOtWtnJI f ,'a:- - - k on the most favor wa INTERNATIONAL NEW8PAPER ÁOENCY II. P. Ilubbsrd, Prop., New Haven, Ct., U. 8. A. Pabllihpr f the NewptDr and Dank Dlrrrtt.r. of the World. THE DINGEE & CONARD CO'S BF.AUTIFt X EVEIUBIOOMINi; ROSES !2forS2. I9lorí3. f in , r. .1 i.afely liy mail 20 "( 4. 35 ü S.J postpaiatoallpointa WE GIVE A W A YamlEXTUAS more Robcb than most estaU'Mimentn ktow, anil are theonlr coucenMiiüliin.' a I4PECIAL Buhiness of Koseo. Sixty lirttcIlonscstorRoHCsalone. Our New tinide, a c,m,,uu Trntin ffOrT E? THE DINCEe & CONARD CO. Eoetirowcrs, VetUruve,C'lieoterCo.Pa Tiie baker is a koeadj man, and this arises from the fact that be is greatly inclined to loaf. "Buclnipaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladtier and Urinary DlseaKB. $1. DniofijisL To a trilling mind h:ird thingsarec:i-y. Everjbody Knows It. Wlien you have the Itch, Snl( Hheum. Galls, or Skin Eruption of a.ny kind, and the Piles, that you knnw Vrthxrt being toid of it. Ebêrbach it Son, tire Drnirgists, will sell yon Dr. Bosanko's Pile Kemedy for 50 cents, which aft'ords immediate relief, and is a suie cure for either of the above diseases. J3PQiiautity and (Juality. In the Diamond Dyes, more coloriMir is given than in any known dyes, and tliey ;ive faster and more brilliant colore. 10c. at all drurgists. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Sample Card, 32 colors, and book of direetions for 2c. stamp.


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