
The South Sea Islanders are like j cent postale stauips, because they dou't I onstme mucli. Cause and Effect. At linies symptoms of indigestión are present, uneasiness of the stouiach, &c, a I uioisture like perspiration producing itchIng it nighl, or when one is warm, cause the Piles. The eiFect s immediate relief iipon the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile I Remödy, wblch costsyou butüO cents and I is s-old by Eberbach & Son. Tlioiijrli a kerosene burner may be verj' heavy the oil will make the lamp light. - Life. Street Talk. " How much better you look, Mr. S." "Yes, I llave gaineil 32 pounds on Ilall's Catarrh Cure. llave not feit bo well in '20 reare. It lias made a complete cure and is worth $50 a bottle to sny one tbat has the Catarrh. Solü by Eberbach & Son. __ To abound in all things. and not to know the right use of them, is positiye penury.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News