
Posiilve cure for Piles. To the people of this County we would say we have been given the Agency of Dr. Maichisi'sItalianPileOiutiHent- emphatically guaranteed to Cure or money refmulcd - Interna], External, Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, Xo pay. For sale by Ebeibacli 4; Son, DrugjÍ3ts. A Yankee genius lias invented an umbiella whicb cannot be stolen. Most of you folks will doubtlessly be sorry to know this.- Philadelphia Cali. Offlceholders. ïhe ónice lield by the Kidneys is one of importanc". Tliey act a8 natures gluiceway to carv off the extra liquidsfrom tóe system and with them the impurities both those that are taken into the stomach and those that are formed in the blood. Any clopginfT or inaction of these organs is therefore important. Kiilney-Wort is N Uure's efficiënt assistant in keeping the kidneys in good irorklog order, strengtliening them and inducinj; healthy action. If you would get well and keep well take Kidney-Wort.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News