The News

Coinpiled from Late Dispatches, CONGRESSIONAL. ütlls were intronucod in the tenate on the 18th: By Mr. Harrison, for the mlinission of the State of Dakota into the Union on an equal footlngr with the original States; by Mr. Vest, to provide lor oarrylnffon improvemeiit of rlvors and harbors by contraot Bills were passed to authorize the salo of timber ou tho Menomonoe resirvation in Wisconsin. nnd to mrovtde lor the removal of the üouthern Utea rom Colorado to Itah. Tho bill providlrur lor ivational bank circulation was further ameiided In the House bilis wero Introdnoed: ByMr. Niohols, to re-srulato tho traltic of railroads aided by Government bonds. mukinsr frei'Kht pools and toe dlserimlnation in froiyht ratrs unlawful; bvMr. Cobb, providing for the payimr of tho costs of snrvcyinji lands (rranted to the Northern Pacific, and to subject the same to taxation; by Mr. l'eel.frrantingrthroe hundied and twenty acres of public land to each survivor of the Mountain Meaiiow maMaere; bv Mr. Kinr, appropriatinsr Í50U.0OO for the relief of the sufferera from the floods in tho lower MiBsisaippi, and also for the dlsti'ibution of soetis amonr the suffererti. The rules were suspended and a bill was passed nxinr at one cent lor enen four ounces the rate of postage on WK'ond-class mail raatt:r vhen sent by persons other than a puWlsher or newspaper ajrciiu A resolution was adopted- 144 Ui 6- mukintr the bill for the rt-tireinent of the trade dollar the snecial ordor on Tuesday, the llth day of Mareh. Mr. Helfor.1 olfei-eci a resolution the tireretirry of State to f urnish Information as to the aétion of Bismarck on theresolutionsin resrard to tho death of Herr I.asker. An all-nijrht sesslon was held.'man.y Kepnbtlcan memben refraininfr from on a motion by Mr, Hewitt (Fla.) to suspend the rules to adopta resolution makinjr the Mexiean Pension bill the Epecial order for the 21st inst., thus leavinp the House without a quorum. A cali of tho House was ordered and the Sorsreant-atAruis ordered to take absentees into custody und briDKthem before the bar of tho House. A bill was reportod in the Senate on the 19th providinsr that trespassers on Indian lands may bo imprisoned for one year and flned $500. The bill to próvido for the Issue of circulation to National banks was debated ntil tho hour of adjournment In tho House, aftor an all-night session, a quorum was obtained in ihe niorning, wheu the rosohition was adopted to make the Mexican Pension bill the special order for the 21st, and an udjournuient was taken to that date. A bill was passed in the Senate on tho 20th increasiug tho annual amount to próvido arms and equipments for tho militla from f-tl.OOO to $50,000. A resolution was agreed to asking the Soerctary of the Interior for Information as to when and how many acres of indemnity lands were certiiled or patented to railroad corporations in Iowa, to whom prrants of public lands wero donated, and whether any such roads are now iMiiminir more indfinit.v ImihIs miH nn-m. uiaiiuiug uiuiu juuumiv laiiua. aiiu wnat quantities. Mr. Sewell's biil itpproprlating f600,000 per nniiuin for the niiliti.-i was passed. Mr. Plumb reported a blll to raise the Agricultuial Bureau to a departmeut, with" a secretary. Sorae progress was made on Uie bill to provide circulation lor National banlts In tho Houso a joint resolutinn was pnsscd appropriatinu tlüil.OUO to be expended tor educating Indlans, and a resolution avos rrported reqiiesting the l'reüdent notto deliver í-enor Carlos Afuero to the Spanish authoritics until an investigation is made by the Attornev-Gencral. A report was agreed to- 1W to 106- callingr on the rostmaster-General to transmit to tüe Houso reporta made by special agents of the PostOllieo Department having referenee to tho 6tar-rouU)iuvestis;utious not hcretoíore mudo public. The Sonate passd a bilí on the 21st for the punishment of persous falsely porsonatins ofiBcers and employés of tho United States. Dobato on the National-Bank Circulation blll waa resumed. Adjourned to tho 25th In the House tho Military Academ.v and PostHoute bilis were passed. A message was received from the President announcing that tho Brltish Government had contributed tlm dteamship Alert for tho Greely relluf oxpeditlon. Adjourned to the Ski. DOMESTIC. Washi.vqtos adrices of the 19th statf that the gold coin in circulation oa Janu ary 1, 1881, was $052,797,614; silver, $242, 409,164; total, $795,20G,778. Gain sine. July 1, 1S83, gold, $15,542,880; silver, $14,192,965; total, $29,735,783. Gold bulllon on December 31, 1883, $06,792,921. The Ohio River was reported rising af Cincinnati on the 19th. Forty-two business blocks were submerged at Paducah. Onehalf of Gallatin County, 111., was under water, and frame houses were floating a way from Shawneetown. General Beckwith reported that there was no human being between Wheeling and Cairo suffering for food, and preparations had been made to pitch tents for shelter. A freight train on the Pan Handle Road was wrecked near Trenton, O., on the 19th, and three tramps who were stealing a ride were killed. The engineer, conductor and two brakemen were badly injured. The fine residence, valuable library and correspondence of Lieutenant-Governor Gardner, at Bennington Center, Vt, were burned a few evenings ago. A hubricajíe at Coshocton, O., on the 19th demolished [the steel-works and destroyed other buildings and trees. The damage in the surrounding section was expected to be heavy. The last coach of an express train on the Wabash Road was thrown from the track by a broken rail near Glenwood, Mo., on pe 19th, and six passengers wera seriously injured. The man who was keeping tally for the N obrara (Neb.)lynching party reported on the 19th that since they started out to break up the gangs of cattle thieves that infested that country fourteen had been lynehed, sixty warned to leave on pain of dëath and one shot. Such a round-up of thieves and murderers was never known before. Advices of the 20th state that great damage was inflicted in the flooded districts by the recent heavy wind-storm. Houses were blown from their foundations and then floated off on the current. The river at Cincinnati was falling steadily, and was almost within its banks. Metropolis and Shawneetown, in Illinois, and Paducah, Ky., were sufEering from both storm and nood. At 6:3J o'clock on the morning of the 20th a terriflc explosión of üre-damp took place in the mine of the Connellsvillo Coal & Iron Company, four miles from Uniontown, Pa. Seventy miners were at work at the time, and nineteen were killed and tnelve others were probably fatally injured. Cars were blown to atoms, tracks torn up and mules killed. At Brd's Point, Mo., eighteen houses wei-u demolished by a storm on the 20th, and all of New Madrid, Mo., was reported to be inundated. White's shoe factory at Holbrook, Mass., was burned on tho 20th, throwing three hundred hands out of employment. Washixotolv advices of the SOth state that tlie Treasury Department had suspended the issue of ono dollar and twodollar notes, pending an nppropriation to enablü the printiug of more. TriE calilo wire bridge spanning the Eiskominehas River at Apollo, Pa., gave way recently, precipitating James Hendersou and his valuable team of horses into the river, and all were drowned. Some years ago Young Stephens, afarmer of Trimble County, Ky., left his homo and did not return. His wife married again last July. Ou the 20th inst. Stephens returned, and his wife embraced him. The new husband became jealous and killed her instantly. Stephens then shot his successor fatally, but not until he himself was mortally wounded by the last busband. Twenty-four buildings were destroyed by me at Goodwater, Ala., a few days ago, ínvolving a loss of $100,000. Fiftken raftsmen became involved in a dranken flght near Mount Sterling, Ky., a few days ago, and Elijah Lee was shot (lead and six others were seriously wounded. By a boiler explosión the other day at Wiest Carlisle, O., two men were killed and several others were injured. Shawneetown, 111., was on the 21st almost entirely abandoned by its inhabitants, owiug to the terrible destruction of property by storm and flood, and it was said that several years of prosperity would hardly put the town where it was before the flood. Uniontown, Ky., and Metropolis, 111., were similarly afflicted. At other polnts the waters were receding, and the worst was considered over. Secbetary Folger on the 21st issued a culi for three per cent. bondstothe amount of $10,000,000, interest to close May 1. A Billings (Mont.) dispatch of the21st !ays that flya Piegan ludians made a raid and stole ürty ponles. They were followed and overtakeu by white men, when a skinnish ensued, during which four of the Indiana and two of the whites were killed. The ponies were recaptured. Advicis of the 2l8t state that the recent wind-storm wrecked bundredü of submerged houses in the district around Evansville, Ind., besides drowning numbers of hoe and cattlo. An immense amount of corn was also lost. Many persons were taken from trees and hills where they had taken refuge, by the relief boats, some of whom were badly frozen. It was stated on the 21st that the wheat and fruit crops in Southern California would be greatly beneflted by the recent floods, and farmers anticipated a golden harvest. Near Glasgow, O., early theother morning John Brehmer prevented bis father, who was drunk, from murdering his wife, when the old man shot his son, inflicting a mortal wound. Two revbnub officers on the 21st killed three men and wounded another in Mitchell County, North Carolina. A FIRK at Cortland, N. Y., a few days ago destroyed Garrison and Union Hall blocks, valued at $100,000. The annual report of the Chicago Board of Trade, issued on the 21st, showed the shipment of farm products for 1880 to have been $365,703,000. Thk house of John Burns, at Bridgewater, He., was burned a few nights ago, and Mr. Burns and a daughter, aged fourteen yeais, perished in the James. It was discovered on the 21st that Beverly Taylor, an aged colored man, and his wife and grand-daughter, of Avonlale, O., had been murdered by negroes, and their bodies were found in the dissecting-room of the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnati. & Harvey Chappell, aged seventy-eight years, a wealthy farmer living alone near Lebanon, Conn., was, found murdered on the 21st, and the house n-as robbed of all valuables. The United States Smelting Company'of Philadelphia fniled on the Sist for $165,000. Further advices of tlie 22d gave the loss of life by the recent Southern cyclone aa follows: Alabama, 270; Georgia, 200; North Carolina, 73; South Carolina, 25; total, 570. It was thought that these figures would be largely increased as news was received from sections with which communication was difficult. The loss of property was also immense. Whole villages were swept entirely away and plantations and farms denuded of everything valuable. Live-stock in great numbers were also slaughtered. J. W. Watts and Henry Wilson becama engaged in a fight a few days ago on board a steamer near Cbattanoog, Tenn., and in the struegle they, both feil overboard and were drowned. Throcgbout the TJnited States and Canada the business failures during the seven days ended on the 22d nurabered 2."1, against 309 the previous week. The distribution was as follows: New England States, 20; Middle, 40; Western, 82; Southern, 51; Pacific States and Territorios, 10; Cmiada and the Provinces, 33. It was announced on the 22d that about nine hundred Cree Indians were in revolt fn the Northwest Territory. They had captured the Gorernment supply of provisions. Johx Heith, sentenced to life-imprisoriment for the Bisbee murders at Toinbstone, A. T., was taken froin jail on tho 22d by a mob and hanged to a telegraphpole. By the recent wreek of the bark Ada Barton, of St. John, N. B., nine sailors were drowned. In a dispute on the 22d at Birmingham, Ala., orer some bilis presented for colleetion, a dentist named Rose drewhis pocketknlfe and cut the throat or Henry Harralson f rom ear to ear. The victim was a popular lawyer, and his friends were organizing for vengeance. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. The Iowa Senate on the 19th passed the Donnan bill prohibiting the manufacture of ale, vrine, beer and all intoxicating liquors whatever, by a rote of 35 to 12. Municipal, elections in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Allegheny City on the 19th resulted in favor of the Republicana. The steamship Frisia, from Hamburg, with the bodiej of Lieutenant De Long and his comrades on board, arrived at New York on the 20th. The Massachusetts Republicans will hold their State Convention at Boston on the 30th of April to elect delegates to the National Convention. The Arkansas Republican State Conven tion to select delegates to the Nationa Convention will be held at Little Rock April 8. Emeiïy Storrs, of Chicago, Henry Ward Beecher, John D. McKenzie and Chief Jnstice Noah Davis were speakers on the 20th at a mass-meeting in Bronklyn, N. Y., favoring a more stringent excise law. The Indiana Greenbackers met in State Convention at Indianapoüs on the 2d and nominated a fnll S'ato ticket, headed by H. Z. Leouard lor Governor. A platform was adopted denouncing the present flnancial sysem and demandlng tb at al) money issued by the Government be legal tender; calling for the speedy payment of the National debt and the abolition of the bank privileges; opposing the importation of Chinese or other servüe labor, and favoring pensions for all sot diers. The Democratie National Committee met at Washington on the 22d and fixed on July 8 and Chicago as the time and plac of holding the National Convention. Thí Virginia Legislature ou the 22d passed over the Governor's veto the bill reapportioning the State for Represntatives in Comrress. A circular has been issued which invites the high-tariff people of the country to meet in mass convention at Chicago the 21st of Hay next. A monument to General Robert K. Lee was nnvailed at New Orleans on the 22dThe figure is sixteen feet high, standing npon a white marble column eighty feet in hight. Salmi Morse, of New York, who became notorious through bis efforts to establish the "Passion Play" in that city, flung himself into the Hudson River, whence bis corpse was taken on the 22d. Jesse Harper, Chairman of the National Labor Committee, issued a cali on the 22d for a National Convention, to be held at Indianapolis May 28. The Maine Republican State Convention has been called to meet at Bangor on the 30th of April next. The bodies of De Long and bis comrade lay in state at the Brooklyn Navy Yard on the 22d. The public reception of the r. mains was a notable event. FOEEIGN. The garrison at Tokar, Egypt, mado a sortie on the 19th, killing many of the rebels. They also captured many cattlo and caraels. On its last trip from New York to London, the steamer France lost 114 head of cattle overboard. By a vote of 311 to 2C2, the British House of Commons on tho 19th defeated Northcote's resolution censuring the Government for its policy in Egypt. The Canadian Government lost $200,000 on the 20th by the burning of the postoffice, custom-house and internal revenue office at Charlottetown, the capital of Prince Edwards Island. An ice-gorge on the 20th flooded a suburb of London, Ont., and the peopie were compelled to leave their homes for safety. The President of Mexico has issued a decree imposing an additional duty of flve per cent. on all artlcles imported into Mexico aftor May 15. Cattle-raisers stated on tho 21st tbat the recent storms had killed ten per cent. of the stock on the Canadian and Beaver Rivers, and that the remainder were quite thin in flesh. Asensation wascreated in the British House of Commons a few days at;o by John O'Connor Power, who attacked Parnell and hls lieutenants In strong laneuage, saying they had puruued a pqlicjr adverse to tno lnterests of TrelantT ever since the Land act was introduced. The British Heuse of Commons on the 21st reafflrmed its resolution excluding Bradlangh from the hall - the voto heing 226 to 173. Bradlaugh was re-eleetnrt the previous day by an increasud majority. Great failures were r"iortetl on the 22J from provincial cities of Franee, the liabilities aggregating about $2,000,000. A bank involved in the crash had n,.V)0,009 francs of deposits, mostly peasants' earnings. Sevkit thousand miners were on thO 22d engaged in a strike ut Auzin, Franee. Advices of the 22d state that Tokar had surrendered to the Egyptian rebels. A portion of the garrison at Khaitouiu had left the town. There were thirty-two thousand British troops at Tiinkitat and twelve hundrod at Sualcim. General Gordon telegraphed Admiral Hewitt to cali a conference of Sheiks to arrange terms oí peace. LATER NEWS. McKaiguk, a young Imtclier at Winnetka, 111., was on the -'.'! 1 Indioted by the Grand Jury and placed in for the murder of Jame-i L. Willson anrl his wife. The futal buttons l'oimd in the room wbers the murder was commitled were Htted to the butcher's vest iu tlio presence nf the grand iurori, and thk, with other ciroumstantial evidence, caused the itulic.mont. McKaigiie is the son of a wealthy and respectable eitizen of Thorold, Ont. A loss of $135,000 was incurred at St. Paul, Slinn., on the 24'h the burntng oE a large agriculturdl linplemont warehouse. At Cincinnati on the 2:id Allen Ingnlls and Ben Johnscn (negroes) confesned to murdering the 'J'aylor fainily (three in number) at Avondale recently and immediately delivered the corpüsa to the Ohio Medical College. Ingalla also stateii that he was a professional resurrectionist. Pedro Montaldo, Professor of Spanish at the United States Naval Academy, was on the 23d found dead In' the grounds. A passen'oer train on the Hannibal & St. Joseuli Road broke through a bridge near New Cambria, Mo., on the 28d, and one child was killed and three adulta were injured, flve inortally. ÏHK jewelry store of Maiks & Son, at Troy, N. V., was robktd of propprty ralued at .fijO.ÜOO on the night of the 23d. Three coaches of a train on the Colorado Central Road were blown from the track by a hurricane near Georgetown on the 23d. Two ladies were badly burned and many other travelers were injured. IV. B. Cash, of Charaw, S. C, a son of the famous duelist, on the '23J killed Marshal Richards and mortally wounded James Coward, and was being pursuod by a posse of citizens. 1t was reported on the 2tth that a detachment of mounted pólice of Manitoba had been captured and killed by a band of Cree Indians on Crooked Lake Reserve. The iteamer Sansallto, valued at $l."0,DOO, was riestroyedby fire at San Quetln, Cal., a few evenings ag.. Mrs. A. B. E. Haight was convlcted of the ïnurder of her husband at üj Ruyter, N. Y., the other niglit, aftsr a of two weeks. It was alleged that JIrs. Haight had killed two othsr husbands and hir father. The State Department at AVa-ihinston was on the 2&1 offlcially advised that Greece had removed the embargo on American pork. Thk United States Sonate was not In aession on the '.'.'M. In the Houge bilis were favorably reported totransf r live eountiei in Illinois to the Northern Jmlicial District; to prohibit tlie lmportatton of f'reigners on oontracts to perform lab ir, and to ainend the s'atutes prohibitlng t'ie delivery of registered lettara and the puyUient of moiiL'v-orih'rs.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News