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KTE"W BREAD AND CAKE BAKERY. CAI.I. AT H. F. HANCSTERFER & CO. 'S FOR Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Tabts, Boston Ckkam Ptjffs, Doighnuts, Macakoons, Etc. A. F. HANGSTERFER & CO, .10 anl :-2 Main Sfreet, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $42,000,000. Secnrity held for the prntection of the pollcy CHRISTÍAN MACK Benreient 'hc followlne firni-claff cmnpnnif, of whiih oue, the Enm, has alone t aid $S0,OUO,U0O drc looeBiinlxtyyeiire: Etna, of Hartford 7,000,(100 Franklin. Phlladelphfii 3,000,000 Gei man American, N. V 2,800,000 Lomion Assurance Corporat'n. ]f,800.000 National, Hartford 1,200,000 North Germán, Hamburg 2,000,000 Pheenlx, Brooklyn 2. f 00,000 Undenvriters Agenoy, N. Y.. . 4,000,000 Losscs liberallv adjusled and promptly p.iid Poücies isbued at the lowe-t rates of premium, 1070-112? CHKISTIAN HACK. W. TREMAIN, IüüiSffi Iüïïe! OFFICE : Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store. (JOK. IIÜROX AND F0ÜRTI1 TS., North British Insurance Co,, Of London and Edinbnr. Capital, $13,005,000, Gold. Detroit Firo ami Mrine Insurance Co., ; Cash Atw'i 600,ÜOO. Springfleld lus. Co. of Massaelmsetfs, ' Cash AteetB 1 1,800.000. Hoirard Ins. Coinpany of New York, Cak Assets $1,000,000. Agrleultural Ins Co., TV'atertown, N.V., Coeh A-sets $1 ,200,C0l). L'i9ee Llberally Adjtis'ed and Promptly Pnld. Ferdon Lumber Yard! JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. -Manufacturer and Dealer In -SACINAWGANG-SAVVBD LÜMBER Lath and Shingles. We invite 11 to give no a cal!, and examine oor stock befure purebaaing eleewhere. AI.9O, AC.KNT FOR JaubüSewerPijflCo. AND SELLS FIRE BRICK. JAMES TOLHEKT, Pitor. T. J. KKSCH, StPT. TENTHOUSAND 3-HARDWOOD-S FARMS IN MICHIGAN, FOR SALE BY THE Grand Rapiös & Indiana Railroad Co. Silgar Maple the Principal Timber. Advantaget.- Failronda already built, nnmerons townaaud i ities, one of ihe healthiest parte of the United States, pnrest water, good markets, fine fruit, good roads, echools. ( hurchee, large agricnltural population, best bnildint; materia! at ow figures, nona oil, lowprlcee, easy terms, perfect tille. Kor bonk-, maps, charte, aud all additioual information, addresa W. O. HCGHART, Land Commiseioni r, Grand Rupidv, Mich. Or, SEPTER ROBERTS, Travcling Agent. - !


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News