The Two Sams

THE CLOTHIERS, IsTO. 9 S. IMI-A-IIsT STREET. , At four o'clock in the afternoon those who have ¦ guessed and purchased, WILL CISE THEIE MEI !0 COÜNT THE fflS II 1 1, Saturday, March I , the Last Day. We want 1,000 people to attend this Day's Sale ifisiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiïeiiiiiiwij o :f jes isr. You have only a few days more to G-UESS in. Be sure and cali on the two SAMS, see the fine Buggy we give you, look at the Aubnríí Wagon, 3 1-2 inch tire, to the Best Guessers in Washtenaw Oounty BÜY YOUR CLOTHING OF US, BUY YOUR FURNISHING GOODS OF VS BUY YOUR HATS OF US BUY YOUR.CHILDREN'S CLOTHING OF US BUY YOUR BOY'S CLOTHING ÓF US. WE WILL r.lELlSELI, TIIE7W ALL, OK REFl'XD VOL' YOltt MOXEY EVERV TI.íIE BLITZ & LANGSDORF, Tlie 2 Sanis. o g. TMLalTCï. fgt. Tlxe a Saras.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News