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A "falls Route" At Last

A "falls Route" At Last image
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There liever yet lias been, accurately speaking, a Niágara Falla route between the East and the West. There never yet has been a route by wliicli the man from Kalamazoo, goinjr back to gee the folks "tleown in Maine." could get a fair look at Niágara FalM from his train. We select the man from Kalninsizoo for an illustration, not beoause we have any 11will for the Gein City of Michigan; but beca use tliat euphouiously-named crossroads happens to be situated on the Michigan Central Railroad. The Kiflblgan Central is not the only road tliat has I vertised all these years - ever since the I Suspension Bridge was opened- to be the great and only Xiajfara Falls route. The public - up around Kalamazoo and Oshkosli, and thereabout9 - is a conficJing public. It buys its tickets for ita annual Eastern trip "by the fffeM Niágara Falls route," and .-tiirts for rite E:ist In happy anticipHtioii of a view of the Fall? that slmll equal the picture? and descriptions whieh ndorn the schedules of "the {rreat Niágara Falls route." Bat, when it gets to Niágara River and rinds tliat the ouly view of the Falls it has in 'i most unsatisfactory glimpse froni a point a tnüe and a half down stieam, linie wonder that it feels its conffdehce has been abused, and rhat it coinés to a ilnaniinoiis verdict that Niágara Falls ain't no great shakes anyuow. Bur at last- this very day- the Michigan Central Railioad Córapaiiy opens a tlirotigh east and west route which is honestly a Xiagara Falls route, and which gives the touriét such fufl and leieurely opportnnities to see Niágara Falls- without once learing hl Mat- that a generous piibljc may ucll accept the new provisión. as ampie alonenient tor all previona fhortcouiing. By the new route the traveleris nor liinply fiiven a (listant and obscure view of the Falls. He is takei. down the river on the New York side. From Buffillo to Tonavvanda hc ridei, lunch of the way, alnng the river buik, and can srudy ih.j lorce in,l sneep of tiie rreat curieni. Tlien, as he rides along, he ha a Culi view of the hvo great anus of the river that encompass Grand Island. Just before he reaches Niágara Falls vilUe he cm see the tirst break of the river into the upper rapids. He crosses the stream by the new cantilever bridge, and has a general view of the Falla which is better tlian that heretofore obtaiued from the old bridge, because it is a nearer view. Tlien he skins along above the Uanadian bank until "Falls View" is reached. This point of observation has heretofore been reached only hy the Xiagara City brancli of the Canada Southern. It has not been on the Eat and West route at all. Nmv all throutch traiiig stop at "Falls View," which is really one of the fiuest views of the Falls anywhere to be had. Certaiuly such i route raay he lionestly qalleel n "Niágara Falla romp," and tlie traveling public cannot be long in fiiulinfr out the genumeness ot lts attractions. It only reinains to ulil tlmt by the new route, opencd to-day, no throiltfh JlicliiSn Central trains go dlrcctly East from tlie Falls, but come to liutt'alo, tlms spourInjr the advantage of all tlie city connectionp, and at tlie same time makln'g fast schcdule time on tlie through route.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News