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The only knowu iKclflo. tor Kpflrptlc Fit, tS Also for Spumi aod MlinB Sickness. Nerrous Wcakncas it iastantly relieve and cures. Clcanscs blood od quickem lnegish clrralatlon. NcutraIlixs germs of dUeasa nd "v"s sleknosa. Cure ÍA SKEPTIC SftlD) nj;ly blotches and tubhorn blood ñores. Elimínate Dolí, Caïbundca and Scaltls. pTTcrmanently and promptly euro! paralysls. Te, lt ts a charming ani hcalthful Apcrlent. Küls ScrofulJ tmd Klngs F.vll, twln brotbers. Changcs bad breath to eooil, removIng- the cause. r.outs blllous tendenctes and makes clear complexion. Eqnalled by none In the delirium of fever. A charming resolvent and a matchlesa laxatlve. It drive Slck Headache like tho wind. tyContalns no drastlc cathartlc or platea. Relieve CNERfyEXGOWlQlUlElRlOlRp the braln of morbid f ancles. Fromptly cures Kheumatlain by routing it. Eeatores Iife-elvlnsf properties to tho blood. Is guaranteed to euro all nervous disorder. pfKeliablc when all opiatos fafl. Be. freshes the mlnd and Invigorates the body. Curei dyspepflia or money refunded. [HlEVElRÏFlHilLsD Dlseases of the blood ownltaeonqucror. Endorsod 1n writin-ïby over ílfty tlioumind leading citlzonB, clergyinen anti piiyslciaoa In tí. and Europo. Pf-For sale by all leadlngr drugfflsts. $1.50. 13) For Testimoniáis and circulars send stamp. Tha Dr.S.i. Richmond Med Go. St. Joseph.Mo. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., Agents, Chicago, Illinois. The Preacher's üuiet Habits. Sedcntary and studious men sometimes become prostratcd before they know it. Those who spend much time in close mental work and neglect to take'enough exercise often find their stomachs unable to do the work' of digestión. The livcr becomes torpid. The bowels act irregularly.'The brain refuses to serve as it once did. Their preaching becomes a failurc, and there is a state of general misery. k So many ministers have been restored to health by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters thab the clergy generally are speaking to their friends of this medicine as the very best tonic and restorer they know of. It restores thin and watery blood to its proper condition by toning it up with the purest and most finvigorating preparation of iron that science has ever made. It is pleasant to take, and acts immcdiately withthe happiest rcsults, not only on the parsons, but on other folks as welL CAIN Health andjappiness. +& 9 DQ AS OTHERS OTBOUJ 5" HAVE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered? 'Kldney Wort bruught me f rom my gravo, ait wens after 1 haxl lwon priven up by 13 best doctora in Detroit." SL W. Deveruux, Mechauic, Ionia, Micti. Are your nerves weak? "Kldnt-y Wort mred ma from nerrooa wekne &c, after I as not t-xpectod to live."- M i-. M, 3i. B. Qoodwin, Ed. Chriatian Monitor. Cleveland, O. Have you Bright's Disease? "Kldney 'Wort cnred me when my water was just like i-haik and theu like blood." Frank Wlison, Peabody, Mass. Sufferingfrora Diabetes? "Kidn%.'y-Wort is the mout .huoim-hsÍ ui remcdy I have ever used. ölves almost iinmediate relief." Dr. Phillip C. Bullou, Monkton, YL Have you Liver Complaint ? "Kidney-Wort cured mo of chronic Liver Diseaaes after I prayed to die." Henry Ward, late Col. C9th Nat. Guard, K. T. Is your Back lame and aching? "Kidney-Wort, (1 bottle) cured mo when I waaao lame I had to roll out of bed." C. M. Tallniage, Milwaukee, Wis. Have you Kidney Disease? "Kidm-y-W ort mado mo soumi in liver and kidnoys after years of unsucocssful doctorlngr. lts worili fluubux."- Sani'l llodges, Williainstown, Wwfe Vu, Are you Constipated? "Kidney-Wort causes easy evacuations and cured me after 10 youra use of other medicines." Nelson Kairchild, t. Albana, Vt. Have you Malaria? "Kidney-Wort ha done better than any other reiuetly I have ever used in my practico." Dr. K. K. Clark, South Hero, Vt. Are you Bilious? "Ki d noy -Wort has donóme moro good than any otíier remody I huye ever taken." Mra. J. T. üalloway, Elk Flat. Oreeon. Are you tormented with Piles? "Kidney-Wort permanently citrrtt me ot bloedintf piles, ür. W. C. Kano recomnianded it to me." Üvo. il. Horst, Caaliior M. Bank, Myerstown, Pa. Are you Rheumatism racked? "Kidney-Wort cuifd rae. after 1 was priven up to die by physicians and I had sulTcretl thiriy vears." Elbridge Malcolm, WestBath, Maine. Ladies, are you suffering? "Kidney-Wort cured me of peculiar truuules of several years standing. Hany fnends use and praiso it." Mru. H. Lamoreaux, lsle La Motte, Vt, If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take , fKI El J 4W -1' VJLTtH T f" V 5 :' Thb Blood Cleansek. Camillus, OnondagaCo., N,Y., Jan. 10,1888. Rheumatie Sirttp Co. : Gents - I fcel it my duty to recommend your woiiclerful medicine - " Ulieiunalic Syrup" - to all wlio ure Puflerlne wilh rïieumatisin, neuralgia or Uitlney ülfBcuity- I have been a gront siifferer with rhcuniatisin, oausi d by kidney ililliculty, aml have been trented by our best phyaiciaps, bilt they fiiiled to reach my case or benefit me In the least. I saw in the Aubuin papers the names of i number who had been permanently cured by the use of Hbeumatic Byrop beinjr acqiiaintcd viih many of iliem, I was fnduced to try it, and to my surprise I found that. all puin bad left me before 1 had finished the liift bottle. I continued its use for a time and to-day, 1 ani as wrll as ever and feel no more pain or trouble with my kidneys. It lias been sevcral months since I discontinued its use, so I know it is a permanent cure in my ense. I eau testifv tlnit Klienmatic Syrup wil] do all- yes, more than you claim for it. I atn yours truly, MllS. ÏIATTIE l'ADDBCK.


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