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¦pEPORT OF THE CONDITION -OF TUK- FiEMÜES' & MElffi' MIE i AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, r At tlie cloe of Bimlnes Jan. 7, 1884. i Mude in ncconlance with the General Bank lug Iiw of Michigan. i RKSOl'RCKS. ! 1 Loan and Discouuts ilOT.ltü '9 i overdraftg 'J 0 KuinilureandFixtures S.J77 UO f Kxpenses IM 99 f Checks and other Cali Items 1.817 SB t Dae frora Banks and Bankere 3.I.3U7 16 Legal Tender and Bank Note 7.3(6 00 Boiids, U.8 'OÍ ' Bonds, Local Uto 00 ( Pieminm on l". S. Bond 5.W 2o I $157,088 (4 i LIABrLITIES. f Capital paid in 50.0C0 00 i Surplus Kund '¦' ' l'roiii . umi !.¦ :i' I ' ' Une Ivp-iwtors 104 424 li Ltiviueinlh unpaul 1,501)00 j ¦ $1..7.hl-( i I closoHinnly swear that the above state ] ment ík Irne, U the bent oí njy kuowUdge auil bel lef. Wii.liam A.Tulciiahii. Cashler. Subscnberi and hworn lo befoie me, this eljihtli day of January, 18S4. W.M. W. WHXDOX, Nolary Public. ' i Knee plus ultra- the ballet giil's skirt. j i -Life. j! Cause aud Effect. At times pymptonis of indigestión are j present, uneasineas of tlie gtoinacl), Ac, a , uioiature like perspinitioii producing itcliing at niglit, or wlien one is warm, cause ' the Pile. The effect is immeduite relief u pon the iipplication of Dr. Boíanko's Pile Remedy,,wlilch oostsyou butöO cefiti and U -old by Eberbach & Sou. ¦ - - 1 1 Thinking s thetalklng of the soul with j i itMlC i Ererjbodj Know It. 1 Wlien ynu have the ltch, Sult Rheum, Gulls, or Skin Eruplion of any kind, and the Piles, tlmt you know without being j told of it. Eberbach fc Sou, the j gists, wil! sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile j ( licniedy tor 50 centf, which alTords ; diate relief, snd ia a íure cure lor eitlier , of the above diíeases. t The life of action ia nobler than the life of thought. ¦Qnantity and Quality. In the Diamond Dyes, more colortiig is jfiven than in any known dyes, and tliey ifive j taster and more brilliant colora. 10c. at ; , all drufCgUts. Wi'lls, Richardson fc Co., Í Burlington. Vt. Sample Card, 3' colors, ' and book of direetions for 2c. stamp. A knotty question - What kind of a tie i do you wear f Street Talk. " How mueh better you look, Mr. S." "Yes, I have gained 32 pounds on Halls Catairh Cure. Have not feit so well In ': 20 vean. It haa made a complete cure and is worth $ó0 a bottle to i.ny one thnt has the Catarrh. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Will bc mailed CRCFto a" pplicantj and to customcrs of last ¦ nu year without ordmng it. It contains illustrations, priccs, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plañís, etc. Inyaluable to all. D.M.FERRÏ&CO.D& 1: THE DAVIS SWING CHURN. Th Mout Popular ('hum on the Mnrket, ' %. Becaufle it niakes tbo 1 Vv JÊ Jï moet batter. Because ] ' f ..ifL_LtffM no tbrr Cbnrn works , MSnSSyV,. ko easy. liecanse It , CTtTW il maken the beet ffralued ' HL .'A fff tutter. HecaiiBe it Is , Bfl i !&ÁMr tIlp eaolest dCHiied. It ' i 8yE3r bas nofloata or nudaWtf l M Jl X lnside. AUotbc í Í7 Ov ku Butler fL f gfcX er, the Aieabltt But c i MF - - A ter ruin r, and a -a fYill Une oí Butter f' MahJng rtnsiis for i Düirle anti Fnctorlefl. Scnd for IlluBtrsted Circulara. VJEttMO.Vi' FAKM MACHINE CX., nLii r iiik, i. NOTICE. [ ALL pcnons indebted to the nmlcreigneil are requeítud to cali immediutolj ai the I Fainous Onc-Prlce Clothlng House ' and pettle thdr accountc. Ai d nll partien having I cliimn Igatnat me m e rpquented to pr. ent thciu at [ once for settlement. JOK T. JACOBS. Don't Die in the House. Rouph on Rats." C'learR out rats, mice, roaclioa, bed-bugs, llies, ants, moles, chi - rnonks, gophers. 15c.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News