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RINSEY&SEABOl-T'S liíiíiÉi! -AND Flour and Feed Store. We kep conetantly od h ind, BKEAD, CRACKERS. CAKES, ETC, Vor Wh. H-s-il and Retnil Tr de. We f hall also keei a mpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BES T White Wheat Flour! I). ilii Fluur, Itjc Flour, Buckn lical llour. Corn 5Ical, Feed, Etc, t Whnlesale and Retad. A general ?tock of GEOCERIES ani PROVïSIuNS Joniiai tly on hand, which wilt bc sold on a tt-in'8 au at noy otlier hou-e n ih' cit . Cnrh pa i for BI' ITKR, B;0 , and OOÜWTKT PRODUCK Rcni'aily (íoois d l.vend to any pi'rt of the city wllta ut eïmi charj; ¦. niXlY&SEABDLT. Ferdon Lumber Yard! JAMES TitLBFRT, Prop. .Mamifarlurcr and Dealer In SftCINAW GANG-SWBD LUHBER: Lath and Shnles We invite all to a calK and examine oui' stock bclore pnrchaslnK eli-ewlure. AL80, AGENT FOR JacksonSewerPipe Co. AXU SELLS FIKE BI1ICK. JAMES TOLBERT, Piior. T. J. KEECH, Scpr. W. TREMAIN, EXtRAL lilü! liEY! OFFICE : Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HÜKON AND FOUHTU STS., North British Insurance Co., Of Lontlnu and Eïdlnburj(. Capital, $13,001,000, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine In.snrance Co., CaibAmi 600,000. SprlngfleTd Ins. Co. of Massai'husetts, Cash AiBCts fl.SOO.OOO. Howar.l Iks. ompany f New York, Cash Aeis. .. fl.OOO.OCO Agricultura] Ins C ., WaterloTrn, X.Y., Cash A sa s (1 ,200,' 00. L"fBes Llberally Adjo td aiid l'romptly Psld. ' CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $42.000,000 icnriy krld lor pr.ii.Ttioi) ol 'he mUc CHRISTIAN MACK ! Bcprei-ents ÜP Mlowins IrtWilii enmtnnfe, I whii'h one, the J& ua, has kloaa i aid t.5U,0U(i IXK) tire I ellllty y.jars: Etna. of Hartford % 7,000,000 Fr:inklin, I'liilatlrllii:i H,O(K)[ocO ' Ucnimti Amt-iicat', N Y 2,800,'lKÍO LotidaH Asuiiinee Corporat'n. IS.tlOO 000 National, Hitrltoi'il 1 ,2(H.(KX) Non h Geimtm, H;:iubtirg 2,OOo'o(K) l'hoenix, Urooklyn 2.00.()00 LJndeiwrittTs Agfiicy, N. Y.. . -l.tiOO'ooü Lossis libtriilly adjustfd and promplly n d Po Kits sucd at Ihe luwe t raus ol prt-nin.m. j TENTHOUSAÑD; i-HiRDWOOD. FARMS IN MICHIGAN, FOR SALE BY THE M Rapids & Indiana Railroad Co. 8ug,.r Maple thu I'rindpul Tiiuber. dran((irs'c.-Hailrondsnlready built, nnmiTonrmn.n,d lliei, onu of the hi-althieït part 1 tbc Tulled State, parelt wutiT, good nmrltet, ane rnit. Kood rcwdi, rchowls, . hnrebee, USuurlcal' nrl poiiulatlon, beat liutldiiiK mai.rial at iw fl... ree, ;ood boiI, luw price, i'asy term, perfect tili? iatloDaddrë''P"1 ChaI'lB' ïud "" dif"ai iuiorW. 0. IIUGHART, Land Commiestou r, Grai d Rapldí, Mlcb. D r, 8KPTKR KoBitKTS, Travclir.g Agent.


Ann Arbor Courier
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