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Why Methodists Educate At Ann Arbor

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A Conservatory of Music is pot a Colloge of the Arts and Sciences. However divine the charnis which nuibic liath it can liever atone for the monetrous fact bat Albioii Collere, foumted ''hecause of the recognizeil diity of the chtirch to conrihute to the intellectunl culture of the ae" is to-üay devoting her largest encrgies to teaching some six score young adies and gentlemen the elegant v,: ot he piano. Alarmingly suggeetive to Michigan Methoditts, who have been so constantly assured by the present admln9trntion of Albion's great growtu, ia the following analysis of lts last calendar: Tuere were at Albion in 1883, total miraber, 262; in Conservator}' of Music, 118; In College classes, 50. In the two upper classes therc were but e ven teen metnbers, aid eleven out ot the seventeen were residcnts uf Albion Assuming that next June will see the rmm --- i - ¦.'. onl t)ut tl-.M revenues of the college are $10,000 per annuni, the cost to the cliurcli of the cducatinu of these six younjr persons who were pot rcsidents of Albion will have been $3,333 per capita. Indeed, that is too giltedgcd. The failure at Albion cannot be attributeil to causes otlier than tbose wbich :irie in the lustltutloo itself. There a'e prnbably 70,000 Methodists in Michigan. They have sliown tlieir zeal anü love lor Albion by etidowiiig it with $170,000, a suui exceeding the endowment of thirtyfour out of foitythree Methodist College? in Americi, and larguly in exeess of tlie endowmcnU of other denominational rolletes in Michigan. A later exhibition of thia interest is the doiiation of a fuñid for the equipinent of au obseivatoiy. Olivct, witii two powerful colleges (Oberlin and Wiibash) of her own denoniination in the two States south of Michigan, with uu endowuient of lut $132,000 and a church memben-hip In this State of probably 40,000 exceeds Albion to-day in the membeiship of her college classes by tliir'.ythree per cent. Adrián, whose endowment I am told by President Stephens is $80,000 and the cliureli membership in Michigan but 8,000, giuduated last year fifteen persons toAlbiou's 7. All this is wrong. A given amount of encigy expended under wiee directions ought to count for as much at Albion as at Olivet, Adrián or Hillsdale. It does not, and the reasons theretor m:iy be summarized in these two propositions: I. Michigan Methodista will build for Albion a doze.i observatories but protest against education in the starry science by a professor of prohibition. 1. Michiiran Methodlsts will give Albion a inunilicent endowment, but wlien its avails are prostituted to the bulldinr of a conservatory of music which is offleered by eleven imtructors and profV-ssors (witli a D. D., LL. D., at tlieir bead) they will send their sous and daughters where a College education may be h:id, and next to Albion they love Ann Arbor. Alumnus Albionensis. Last week it wa stolen wheat constable Palmer was after; now, ohicken thieves. j Mr. Win. Loiinger (white) nul Jim Eal on (colored) have been sent by Justicc Grirlln to jail, bound over for trial. Afier lonr watchinir and nunierous steps, the constable smelt ilead chickens at Mr. Loriujrer'a, several yet unpioked. Mrs. L. was arrestud, and confessed that her üejie lord, aided by Jiia, had stolen over 800 chickens.


Ann Arbor Courier
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