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J J . - u . m ) h (theXgríat) f V (Ñ;EiRVF.) ƒ (CONQUERORJ 1 A SPEOIFIC FOR mr EPILEPSY, SPASMS, COKVULSIONS, FALLIKG SICKNESS, ST. VITÜS DANCE, ALCKOHOLISM, OPIUM EATIKO, SyPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KING8 EVIL, UGLY BLODO DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSKESS, SICK KEADAGHE, RHEUMATISM, NZRVOUS WEAKNESS, I NERVOUS PRGSTRATION, BRálN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, BILIGUSNESS, ROSTIVEHESS, KIDNEY TR0U3LES AKD IRREGULARITIES. UW$1.50 per boiile." For testimoniáis and drcnlnra scnd stamp. The Dr. S. A. Richmond Med. Co. , Props. , TcseH, Mo. (11) Correspondcncc freely answered by Thysiciaus. Sold by all Driiggists. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co , Agents, ('liioifrí', Illinois. Bütlei!, N. Y., May 14, 1882. RhBüMATIC ByRDP Co.: GENTS. - Some six yonrs ajru i r. „.t. tacliL'd witli ;i si'ven; foiin OÍ rlieumatiím imd dyspopsia, a tul for live yeara liave been t:ikiiir diflerent remedies reooinmended fur these diieases, but found nothing to relieve me, and for tlie last three yeara have been unable to do aday's work without siiilerinx intense píiiu through iny back and shcuHIeis, and my stbmacb was so much out of onler that 1 could not eat without sufferlDg srreat pain. 1 liad no nppetite, and my victutlls distressed me so that I parely ever ate for my supper anythlng but erackers and mük. Comtnenced taklnjí RhenmnticSyrnp,and ifter tákiDg two bottles I thought my stomach felt better. I oofttlnued its use a few weeks, and now my appetite is jood, and can eat sueii íiod as furmeft ceqaire, without ditressing me ín the least, and I can do a ínueh work witliout iain as ever in iny life and enjoy my meáis; Ín fact, I am wcll, the Rbeumatic Syrup is the best medicine in tlie wonld. Knough can not be said in ir praise. Lehoy IIenuürSon. 5fül yyíuí CURES CF y Muntr Siseases #} AND fj LIVER COMPLAINTS. o Becanso Itiicts on the LITES, IÍOWKLS and KIDNEÏS at the samo tlnif. BeeíUBO it oleamei the syatom of t!ie polson. oua humora that develope in Kiduey and Urinary Diaeases, BillouBness, Jaundico, Constipation, Pilea, or Ín Bneumatism, líeuraljzia, Kervoua Diaorders and all Female CompUiiitö. tSrSOLID PROOF OF TUIS. TV WT.T. SUEELr CtTHS CONSTIPATION, PILES, and RHEUMATISM, By eausing FHEE ACTIOIí of all tlie oreaos and functione, thereby CLCANSINC the BLOOD re6torin tne normal power to throw off disoaoe. THOUSAND8 OF CASES of the worst forma of these terrible drteaapn havo been quiokly reUeved, and iLa horÏÏnTê PBRFECTLY CURED. PWCÏ, $1. IIQUID OB DKY, SOLD BT EKl CCISTS. Dry can be sent by mail WEIX3 HICKiJlDaow & Co.. Buritogton Vt. fclSSCfSSAT SLOCD FUfilFZER A J Liver and Kidney Eemedy, Compounded from the wcll known I Curatives Hops, Malt, Buclm, ¦ drake. Dandelim, Sarsaparilla, ¦¦ cara Sagrada, etc., combmed with an W mm cüBËlfsHCPsTAT'miGESTioN.A H Act npon the Livpr and EidLtys, Ü HEGULATÏTthÏF BOWELS, KI SBThey cure Rheumatisra, and all ¦ nary troub'es. They invlporate A' a Tonic they havo r.o Equal. JL Take nor.e but Hops and Malt Bitters. Sri Wj FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS, gj 1 Kops and Malt Bitters Cc. BR DETROIT, 3IICH. 91 is a snow-storm the best of jokes? Ton can always see tlie drift of it. Red, Old Gold, Navy Blue, Seal Brown Diamond Dyes give perftjet rosults. Anv fashionable color, 10c„ at drueisls Well?, Rlcbardgon & Co., Burlington' Vt.' Theiets no better exceaa in the world than the excesa of gratltiule.- La Bmyere. LaAlta In America long before they rendí mtddle age fretiueiitly flnd themselvea uflSertng trom some of the coinplaints and wcaknesses peculiar to thelr sex. Kor all such Kidoey Wort in a greut boon. Jt Induces a liealtijy action of the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanseBthegystem, and strength:ns and gives new 1 i fe toall the important rganof the body. It is natures great issistant in estahlishing and BUstalülng lefllth. Sold by all druggigta - - - - -


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