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BACH & ASEL'S COLUMN We have in stock tuis week, 500 piece Ottoruan Ribbons iu all the desimble simpes at ten and flfteen cents per yard Bach & Abel. We have sotue rery nice Caslimeres at 42, 50 and 00 cents. If you want a cash mere dress, we are headquarters for these goods. Bach & Abel. It would seein tlmt no lady need bt without a Black Silk Dress this spring unless she waits until this suiprising purchase is gone. We have on sale this week two numbers of Black Silks at f 1.25 iind f 1.Í50, the best valueever shown in any city at the price. A good body and color, close woven, and with more wear in theru than inany silks sold for doublé the money. Bach & Ahel. New Spring Hosiery now on exklbttion at Bach & Abel's. Ladies are amazed at the prices when they visit our Ladies' Underwear Depai tnieut, aud see our elegant Wliite Muslin and Uaih-ic omh, oiibiiii.-es, ETrawers; Night Drtssi-s, Corset Covers and Itifant'ï Wardrobes, it does uot wem possible tliat they could be made for the monej'. Bach & Ahel. We place on sale this week the finest line of new black goods ever shown in Aun Arbor, consistingof Drap D'Alma's, Armures, Cashmeres, Tricots, Oitomaiis, Henriettas, Barytheas, and Satina. We would like the privilege of showing tliem. Bach & Abel. New Laces, New Ruchings, New Neckwear, New Collars and New Button?, now on sale at Bach & Abel's. We will give you this week the best Black Jersey you ever have seen, at the low price of $2.00, all wool. Come and try them on if vou don't want to buy. Bach & Abel. VALUABLE TRUTHS "If you are suffertug from poorhealth 1 or langulshing on a bed of aick uess, talie 'cheer, for Hop Bitters wlll Cure You "If you are simply aillng. ifyou feel 'weak and dispirited, wittiout clearly ' knowing why, Hop Bitters will Revive You " If you are a minister, and have over'taxed yourself wlthyour pastoral duties, or a mother, worn out wKh care umi work, Hop Bitters will Restore You 11 If yon are a man of business or laborer ' weakened by the strain of your every' day duties, ora man of letters, telling 'over your mlduight work, Hop Bitters will Strengthen You. "If yon re suffer! nz from overeating, 'or drluking, any Indiscretlon or dlssipa'tion, orare young and giowing too fast, 1 as is often the case, Hop Bitters will Relieve You. " If you are in the workshop, on the 4 faroi, at the desk, any where and feel ' that your sytem needs cleansing, tone'ing, or stimulatiug, without Intoxica'tlng, Hop Bitters is what you Need "Ifyou are old, nnd your blood thin 'and impure, pulse feeble. your nerves ' unsteady, aud your facllltiea wanlug, Hop Bitterswill Civeyou New L f a and Vigor. " HOP BITTERS Is an elesant, henlthy, 'and refreshing flavurlng for Blek room drinks, impure waler, etc, rendering Ihem harmlt'ss. and sweetenlug the 'mouth, and cleanslug the stomach." Mi'iidm1, Purify and Enricli (lic Ifl.od wilh Hop Bitters, Anü you wlll havenosickness orsuüerlng oi doctor's bllls to pay. HOP BITTERS Is an Eloeant, Pleaaant. and Refreshing Klavoring forSlck-room. Drinks, and Impure Water reudering them harm'es, sweetenlug the tuouth, and cleausing the stomach. To know bow to wait is the great secret of success. - De Maistre. Hood'8 Sars:ipiirill;i. Is designed to meet the wants of those vho need a medicine to build them up, give them an appetite, purify their blood, and oil up the machinen' of their bodies. Ko other article takes hold of the system and hitsexactly the spot like Hood's Sariparilla. It rorka like mngic, reacblnc everv part of the huuiiin body ihrough tne blood, tfivinjf to all renewed life and etiergy. $1 a bottle; six for $5. Let me be a benrer of heavenly gifts to my fellows. - Marjraret Fuller. Elffht Years' Scrofula Curcd. A valued correspondent, Albcrt Simpson, Esq., writing from Peoría, 111., says: "Samaritiin Nervine cuied me of scrofnla, after having suffered for 8 years wlth the disease '' Mr. Simpson lives in Peoría. Ask him. Your Iruggist keep it. $1.50. He who rules must humor full as mucli as he commands. - George Eliot. The Bible is the magnetic needle that points lieavenward. - Whitehall Times. Grand Opera House ! t'TWO NIGHTS. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1884 SATURDAY, MARCH 2'2, The Eminent Actor, W.E.SHERIDAN SIPrORTEU BY Tlimi Darenport, John T. Malonc, KuA a company of actore under the management of JOHN J. COLLINS. Frlday MrIiI, IHarcli 21, ! I - XfOtXS9 3CXTÍ- Btlirday Mïlil. 22, '84, Admission, 75, 50, 35 Cents Reservad Seats now on sale at 'Vatte' Jewelr Sture without extra charge.


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