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1 =Jütíwío k fT CROYAL.eia,!iï Jk B POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powcier never varios. A marvel of nurlty, streng th and wholesomeness. MoreecononilORl than the orclinary kinds, and can nol hl-a ld in c-omretUion with the multitudeol low tfst. sho t vreighl alum phospliate powders. Solri only 'n can Royal Bakixq Po w de b Co., 106 Wall Rt. N. Y. f HU MORS, ïtching and Burning Tortures, Humiliating Eruptions, such as SAI.T RHKIM or Eczems, Psoriasis, Scalfl Heart, Inlnntile or Birh Hoiimr, and ev'irj form nf Itcfiinv, Scaly, Pimph, Scréfatontf, Inoerited. OontairfoU'i und l'opper C'olored üiseascs ol the !o'd, kin. and 8cl[. wltli Loss of Hair. ire iioeitivel) cured by the CtmoURA Kkmkdim. Cuticura Resnlveut, the n.w wood purifler. clfUDMiS thu bl d un i pernpiiatioii of impnririi nd puinoi-oiiB tUnienlf, aud thu; reinovus the CttUfO Clllif.uru, ibe irreal .Skin Cnte, Instantty alla. licl:in; and 1 1 Jl uniitatiot , citare the bkln anc 8cmp, heuld Ulceis ana Sores, and reeturts th Hair ClltiClira SuI, nncxquisileSkiuUuaatiaeraid Wiel Jit'q ii.-ite, prep rd fpom'Cutii'nra, is indif)enHuhie in tr atin, SKin ues. Baby Huraort1, kin Hl luij-hee, Kouiih, C apped, or ('tiy ykin. )lttlcnra Komedies are ibrolatel; pure, and be ttliiy real lílood Purilif r8 and kin Beantifier, nee irom mercury, árcenle lead, z'nc, or ai y oiht-'i mltieral r vegetable poi-on wha s ever It WOU 1 require tbis enliie paper to do Jilftic to a descrlptiou ol the cuies periomitid iy the Cuiicu a esolveiit mtfinalJy, uud Cuiicura and Cut icuri Soap t.-x'e"iia)ly. 'ezema ol Ihe palms of the hands anti of the endf ¦ i the fibers, very riiiticiik to treit and asnall; C(ni?id red iiicurablc. ; sinall patches ot tctrer an salt iheum on me eur, noge. ind ides of the faC' . Scallefl Ilcads with loss of n 'ir without nun - irr, lirada v-veied with daidruff and scaly erup iou, etpeciiill o' childien and inirtiite, man o) which iLcfl birtli had been a masa uf acahf ; Ifrllinfi, hnrning, and scaly tortures that bnffl 6 even relief fium oiúiuary remedirf, eoothed am uealed as by tnngc ; P.soriavis, leprosy, and other frighiful forms o kin diseaues, i-auñnuo Oloere, oíd i-ores, and dlr cliniiiins; wn dx, ea h and all ol which have be l npeedily permanei tly, aüd icouoraicaiiy cuicd b the Cilticuni Remedies r-oin ive.yuiere. Price : Cuiicura, 50 cents: -iieulvei.t, $1.0 ; "!, 2-5 cents. Poteer Diut in Chemical o.. B laion. Ma e. Sind l"r ' IIow t Une Skin Dise ees." CATARRH CompleteTreatment, $ I .OO Blnulc dose of Sanfokd's Radical CfBKlnstntly reltaves the molt violent Sneezing or Hi-ad ColdH, rlcars the Hcad by magie, stops watery discharge f rom the Hoge and jet, prevente Klnglng Noiwsln the Hiad i-Ules Nervous Headache, and subdues (.hllla and' Kever. In uhronlc Catarrh lt cleansesthe nasal passages of f oul imicua, restores theaensesof sim-ll taste and hearing when allected. frees the ESÏÏ th "at and brunehial lubes of offeMlTe matter swec'tens and puiifles the hreath. stops the couich and arrcfit proffressoi Calarrh towards consumptlon. Onebottlé Radical ('ure. one box catarrlml .-.olvent and Banford'i Inhaler. all In one packaRe, of all drugKlsts for H. Ask for Saxfobd's Kaiucal l;;re. gisis iui i. po,rTJ[K DKCG asd cm,, co.. Bosion. Ffc_ M ¦ ¦¦ COLLiNb' Voltaic Electric M& Sï Bl I'lastkr Instantly allects thi ¦ 81 ¦¦¦ Pain. A neríecl Klectrlc Uat¦ nill t f i-y comblned with a Porous -c mui mr Planter for 25 cents. It annlhiIS THE CKI ]„„.„ j.ain, vimlizes Weakand or a Worn Out Parts, strengthens JSSSUSk ÈLZïï& 3 oïSer'pSler in thlTworld. Sold everywhere. I Piiresmoliinsrlsthorcaltestofatobaoco. It is the regal way ol Bmoking. on get moro directly at the flavor and fnwrance. You take the smoke cooler, and the tonic ctonlïr and er. Pipe smoking to BuwkiDK reduced to fine art. . Tho moro tho (ueBüon oí dulterated tobáceo forcea ituclí ou the ttention of smokere, the more deslrable it becomes to know precigcly what you aro smoking. In MackweU's Bidl Durhain Smoking To . baccoyouhaveapuaranteo, alway, that it is Nature's L own unadulterated product. Jf lts fraKrance, flavor, and ¦j& unsur]iaB8edquality,arede'Vw. . rived f rom the boü and air. Lfl U%fS Try it. and you will be ¦'- Hjl ME Ufivl. None irenuine withI -vs. 'd out trade-mark of the BuU. I All Bucreasful Fishennen ond SportsEB men Bmoke Blaekwell'. BuU Durham ffi suiokiux Tobacco, aüd they eujoy it. aT-nËCU II. El ! ¦5ffa eSh'S IMPERIAL TBTJ88.bji)i OlBoe II!multoMj51ock1AljVL


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