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Republican State Convention

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A Republican State convention to seleo four delegateo at laige uud two delégale l'rom eacb Congressional district (where th lutter have not been previi usly áuly electe by district couveutlons) to altend the Na tlonai Kepublican Couvenliou called lo mee in Chicago, on the thlrd day of June next, fo the nomiuátion ol candidatos lor Presiden and Vlce-President, and to choose a tat Central Committee, wlll be held in Gran Kuplds, on Thursday. the SMth day of Apri A. U. 1S8-), at 11 o' A. M. The Hepublican electors of the State, am olí other oters, without regard to past pollt cal dllierences, wbo a e u favor oí elevalin auü dignlíyingAmerican labor.proiecting am iMi-miiiic industries, glving lree popu jar educatiou to the masses ol the people, se curlng lree sulfrage and an honest countiu of bailóte, etteclually protecling all huma rlghts Ín every section ol our coimnon coui try, and wbo desire lo promote Irleudly feel iug and permanent harmony througbout th land by u alntaluing a national governmen pledged to Ihese objects and principies, ar cordially invited to particípate in theelectio ol delegates to Ibis conveution. The varlous Congressional districts hav theoptlouof electing tln-ir delégate to th National convention al sepárale popula delégale conveution, called on not less tha twenty dayu' published notice, and regularl beid in the Congressional districts at an. time within n days next prior la th meeting of the State conven tion. or by subdi vi8ious of tlie State couvenliou intodistric 1'imvei.tioiis, as has beeu heretofore prac tlced. AU snch district delegates shall be accred ited by the onlcers of aucli district conven tlons. Uuder resolutlons heretofore adopted coun ties will be enlitlod to one delégate for eac SOO votes cast or Governor at the last gen eral electlon, and one additional for every fraction ol noi less than 30U votes. Kach organlzed county will be entitled U at least one delégate, and no delégale will b entllled toaseal in the Convention who does not reside In the couuty lie proposes to represent. Secretarles of County Conventlona are requested to promptly forward certlüed lists of the delegates chosen to the Hon, Williara LlviugsUjne, Jr., at Detroit, Micb., as soon as practicable alter thelr several conventions E& o. uaviüXt v_ muí inun. Wm. Livingstone, E. W. Cottrell, H. B. Kowlson, BurtonParker, Jno. C. Sharpe, O. C. Tompklns. James Alonroe, J. M. Shepard, K. G. 1). Holden, Geo.W. McBrlde, Chas. P. Klmrmll, E. O. White, NV m. Hartsufí', Edgar WeekSi W. M. Kllpatrick, A. i. Darragb, E, O. Shaw, Jno. M Rice, T. C. Phillips, Albert Pack, T. T. Bates, W. í". Swilt Republican State Central Com. Washtenaw county is entitled to seveuieen delegates.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News