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Regent's Meeting

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The Board of Regenta met jester-lay niorniug In regular session. Regents Clark imd Willett took their places as membcrs for the flrst time. At theforenoon meeting a committeo was sppointeft to revise the standing coinmittoes for the ensuing twoyears. In the afternooii liegent Blair reported the following as the committees: Executive con.mittee, the President, Regents Blair, Duffleld and Grosrenor; finalice, Regents Grosvenor, VanRiperand Willett; literary department, Regents Duffleld, Van Riper and Clark; law department, Regent Joy, Blair and Willett; medical, homeopathie and dental depaitments, Regents Van Riper, Joy and Shearer; library, Regents Duffleld, Van Riper, Willett and the President; museum, school of mines and astronomical observatory, Regonts Van Riper, Blair and Clark; chemical and phannaceuücal departinents, Regents Joy, Shearer and Blair; buildings and grounds, Regents Shearer, Grosveuorand Joy. Following the confcrrlng of degrees npon the graduates of the law and dental classes, Regent Grosvenor presented a communïcation from the local Board of Health, reportmg thesanitary condition of the new library building. The general condition and arrangement were warmly comrnended, bilt the board advised that better ventilation should be secured for warm weather. A letter from Dr. Jacob Cooper, formally decliuinj; the chair of mental and moral philosophy, was read by Regent Duffleld. The professor submitted two things that at first presented theinselves in opposition to bis acceptance of the position, namely, doubt as to bis ability to lili a chair that had been occupied by a line of such able men, and difficulty in making satisfactory disposition of bis property in New Jersey. AVhen, however, these were overeóme and he had presented bis rosfgnfition, it was not accepted, and lie was finaHy induced to relinqnisb bis desire to enter into a broader field of work. The following communication from the faculty of the Literary Department was read, and the ecom' jrmndaUnii-eaniaini tMB was adopted. Resolved, As to the feasihility of admitting without examination ttie gradúate of high schools and academies outside of tli is State, 1. That it seems desirable to extend the privileges that are granted to the schools of our own State to thofe of otbcr States on equal teruis. 2. That whenever it is found impacticable, on account of distance or for any other reason, for a comniittee of the faculty to visit any school, the faculty may designate other persons to constitute this committeeof inspection. The resignation of Ileni-y Wulf, assistant in the chemical laboratory, to take effect Marcb 31, was accepted, and Edwaid D. Campbell was appointed to the position with the same salary, $130 per tbe Board extended thanks for valuable gifts to the Shakespeare library; also to Shefflin & Co., of New York, for the presentation of 433 specimens to the museum of applied chemistry. Prof. Demmon read a memorial stiongly urgiiig the great need of more instiuctors in English, especlally in the line of rhetoric and elocution. His compaiison of the University with a great number of colleges with reference to instructioii in these branches showed that on the same basis the University would have flve instructorsin English and the students would be required to do live times the amount of ivork in that branch. Theie are but two instructors in Euglisli in tho University it present. The paper was referred to the committee on the Literary Department. Following this the Board went in:o executive session. And now Mrs. Theresa Lewis suffers - lie that was the principal witness against iophie Lyons in the three trials. YesterJay morning about 10 o'clock, so run the Detroit papers, Mrs. Lyons attacked her n the street near M. S. Smith & Co's lew store, coming up from behlnd and triking her on the bead. Tbis was followïd up by numerous blows on the face and ody finally knocking hor down, when 'she took her boot heel and kicked me," Mrs. Lewis is reported as saying. The atter Is said to be considerably injured, so much for the last chapterof theSophie Lyons case - the sequel, we snppose.


Ann Arbor Courier
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