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A few days rest. B. J. DeFrlae, dent '82, oL Holland, Midi., is in the city. T. C. Phillips, '85, is spendlng the vacation witli Jesse C. Shattuck ot Owosso. John Hibbard, '87, who has been stek it the Sigma Pui house leaves tor his home at Hyde Park, III., next week. H. C. Bauin, medie, '83, of Syracuse, N. Y., while out to Detroit on business carne up to Ann Arbor and spent Suuday. Chas. C. Brown, '79, was recently nppoiuted to the professorship of Civil Engineering in the Rose Polyteehnic Instilute. Professor Demmon delivered a lecture before the Ladies Literary Club of Kalainiizoo, Monday evening, returning yesterday forenoon. John M. Wirts, law "61, died recently in Saint Louis, Mo., where he liad been in practico for sixteen years. He was buried with Masonic honors. It is said that a young lady of the freshman class, froni Flint, has committed to inemory over tliree lmndred lines of Ilomer's Iliad in the original Greek. J. J. Lentz, "82, who graduated froni Columbia Law School last year, Is the member of a flrm of three, in Columbus, Oliio. who recently secured ajudginent for $30,305.54 against the Gilí Can Mfe. Co., of that city. Prof. Stowell delivered a lecture before the Stowell Microscopical Society at Albion last Friday evening. His subject was: " How we look on the Microscope," views being thrown upon a screen. A very lar-e audieuce was in attendance. By the will of the late Robcrt P. ïoms, of Detroit, Win. Gray, '77, and Robt. T Gruy '82, sous of his best friend, Win. Gray, are given his law library and office furuiture. The hope is expressed that they will ultimately becoine law partners making b división of the library essary. The colleginte educatlon of Robt T. Gray is to be provided for out of the estáte. Wm. J. Qray is named as one ol the executors. The dental class, about fort.y with the ladies in attendance, had a baniiuet at the 8t. James last nlght and the class day program was presented as follows: IlistoryL. S. Mitchell; poe'n- Minnie F. Moslier; prophecy- L. L. Davis; presidente address- L. M. James. A very delightlul time was had. It appears that the Demócrata in the Michigan Univerity have held a convention and solemnly resolved that Mr. Tilden " sliould lay aside all personal consideritions" and save the country by serving his party " in this great public exigency." This will probably settle it. We cuinot see how it will be possible for Tilden to withstand thls touching appeal from the young Democrats in the Michigan University.- Detroit Evening Journal, 2 11 h inst. Geo. P. Robison, '73, son of our genia county clerk, now Asst. Prosecuting Attoiuey of Wayne Co., was in Washington last week to urge before Secretary Frelinghuysea the extensión of the Ashburton Tieaty so as to include a larger number of extraditable offenses. Mr Kobi6on was to practioe in the 8upreine court Friday afternoon last. By the bye, when in the Uulversity Mr. ftobison was managing editor of The Chibalete in his senior year. About two huudred voices will cotnpose the chorus for the reuditlon of Meudelssohn's lSt. Paul,1' the musical societies of Ypsilanti ind Ann Arbor combining. April 18 is the date ef the concert here, and April 25 the date for Ypsilanti, Gounod's " Sanctus," and the ' Inflammatus," from Stabat Mater, will also be given. The two societies have )een preparing for these concerts all winter, and under the leadership of Profs. Pease and Cady a rare treat may be exptcted. The reliearsal here will be held April 16, and in Ypsilanti April 23, just preceding the concert dates. University Hall was well fllled below, and ihe seats were pretty generaily taken above, in attendance this morning. upon the twenty-fifth and ninth annual commencements of the department of law and college of dental surgery, respectlvcly. The exercises, by program, began at 10:30, the niusic being furnished by Speil's orchestra, of Detroit. Following the prayer by Uev. Dr. Hall, the address of Hon. T. M. Cooley on the subject, "Law as an Educating Force," was given to an attentive audience. 120 laws received diplom is and 21 dental students. Eiglit fenior lawd have elected to gradúale at ab Tiine ctrniniencf ment. Quite a number of bouquets awaited the gradualing students, and a piece of statuary was among the presents, the latter for "Beeb," of the dental class, we learned. It will be noticed that something of a departure was taken this j-ear from previous years in holding botii commencements in the forenoou instead of one ia the forenoon and one in the afternoon. The whole affair will be voted a line success. as usual. Monday was the Class Day of the Sej nior laws. The exercises were held In the law lecture room at 10 a. m.( every i seat being taken. The audience numbered j perhaps between flve and six hundred. The exercises were as follows: Orition, ' "Plus Ultra,' John P. Elkin; class hls[ torv, T. C. Jones; class poem, T. P. Wharton; class prophecy, Chus. W. Miller. Following this program, of which the prophecy was especially fine, was the , alumni'soration by G. J Dlekema, '83. , The alumni's poem was not forthcoming in consequence of the poet's absence. The election of officers of the Alumni : Association was then held with the followingresult: President, Hon. Alpheus Filch; Secretary, Prof. H. VV. Rogéis; Treasurer, Hou. T. M. Cooley; Orator, Richard Yates, Illinois; Altérnate, H. J. Baker, Indiana; Poet, A. N. Kimball, Michigan. Excellent music was furnished throughout by the Chequamegon orcliestra of six of this city, assisted by three of Speil's musicians. By the bye, the class day committee of the seniors was made up of "John Doe, Richard Roe, John Stiles," every important personage in the law. The session adjourned about 12:15. The class banquet took place at the St. James Monday night, about ninety beiiiff present, including the ladies in attendauce. Williams F. Costello acted as toastmaster and the following program wascarried out: "Class '84," Frank Healy ; "Our First Appearance at the Bar," J. K. Persons; "The Lawyer as a Legislator," Henry H. Uolapp; "Our Retired Professor," F. J. O'Connor; "Our Alma Mater,'1 Richard Yates; "Class 85," L. Higgs; "Our Dean," W. A. Bullard; "The Ladies," Edgar Wilson; "Our Faculty,1' J. A. Gatteryj "Relations between America and Japan, "Takanori Fujikawa. Music was furnished by the Chequamemon orcliestra, and the time was well occupied till 2 a. m., when '84's banquet became an event (.f the past.


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