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To kiiow howto wait is the great secret of success. - De Maistre. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Is designed to meet the wants of those who need a medicine to build tliem up, give them an appetite, purify their blood, and oil up the machiiiery of their bodies. No other article takes hold of the systera and hitsexactly the spot like Hood's Sarsaparilla. It works like magie, reaching every part of the human body through the blood, giving to all renewed life and energy. $1 a bottle ; six for f 5. Let me be a bearer of heavenly gifts to ray fellows.- Margaret Fuller. Eight Years' Scrofula Cured. A valued correspondent, AIbcrt Siuipson, Esq., writi'ig froui l'eoria, 111., says: "Sauiaritan Nervine cured me of' scrofula, after having suffered for 8 years with the discase.'' Mr. Símpson lives in Peoria. Ask him. Your druggist keep it. $1.50. He who rules must humor full as much as he commauds. - George Eliot. The Bible is the magnetic needie that points heavenward. - Whitehall Times. Humor in the Stomach. Mtinh of the distress and sickness attributed to dyspepsia, chronlo diurrhau and other causes is occasioned by humor In the stomach. Several cases with all the characteristics of these compluints liave been cured by Hood's Sarsaprilla. Other cures eftected by this medicine are so wondeiful that the simplest statement of them affords the best proof that it combines rare curative agents and when once used secures the confldence of the people. The paper-hanger's business is very stuck up. ¦otice to Credltors STATE OP MICHIGAN.County of Notice is hereby eiven, that by an ordr of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, made od the twentj'-aixth day of March, A. . 18M. siz nuinth from Th!' 10ih dny of April next were allowed forcrediiors to present their claimt a .rainal theestate of Aa'on F.tíay.lateof said county.deceafed.and that all creditore of said deceaaed are required 10 nrepent their claims lo eaid l'rohaie Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor,for examination an'' allovvance. on or bef.ire the tenth dsy oi uctober next, and that tuch claims wi II be heard oe fore said court, oh Thursday, the tenth day of July a-ud on Friday, the tenth day oi Octobcr next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon ''f each of said day Dated, Ann Arhor. March 26. A. D. 1884. WIIXIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 1188-1191 Jud.-e of Probite. FARMS FOR SALE. I offer six good farms contalning from 80 TO 240 ACRES EACH, in Livingston and Ingham low prices and on easy Mms, FIRST-CLASS LAXDS and under good state of cultivation. Write or apply to Wm. JIcPueeson, Je. Howell, Mioh.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News