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T)EPORT OF THE CONDITION -OF THE- FMM1' & Mm' IUE AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of Business Jan. 7, 1884. Made ia aceordance with the General Batiking Luw oí Michigan. RESOURCES. Loansnnd Disrouut_ $107,110 19 OvenlraflR 24S 08 Fu nlluiennd Flxtures 3,377 K E penses 150 00 ChecUsanl ut her Cash Item 1,317 5tS Uue f rom and Ranker 33 307 16 Legal Tender and Bauk Notes 7,3(6 00 B nds, U. 8 S .500 00 Bnnds, Local 1-S5 (O Pieinlum on U. S. Bonds 530 25 $167,588 64 LIABILIT1ES. Capital patd In $ 50,000 00 Surplus Kund 6 tt 39 Pront and 1 oss 3S 19 Dlie Deposltors 104 424 OH Uividends unpald S.500 00 157 5S8 64 I do solemnly sweiir that the above state ment 1 true, to the best of ïny knowltdge and belief. Wii.liam A. Tolchafd, Cashler. Subscribid and bworn to before me, tliis elghth day of January, 1884. Wm. W. Whedoj, Notary Public. A-GREAT-PROBLEM. TAKE ALL THE Kidney & Liver Medicines, BLOOD Purifiers, RHEUMATIC Remedies, Dyspepsia É nd Indigestión Cures, Agüe, Fever, And Billious Specifics, Brain & Nerve Forcé Revivéis Great Health Restorers. In SIimi-i. tal. e all Bent qualltles of all tliese.and the best qualltleH of all the best Medicines of the Wo'ld and you wlll 11 nd that Hop Bittors have the best cumtlve qualities ard powers of all concentra ed In them. and that they wlll cure vhen any or all of these, 'lngly or eorablred, fall. A thorough trial wlll give po-lt ve proof of th)s. Butler, N. Y., May 1-t, 1882. 1'nEUMATiC BTEÜP Co.: Gents. - Sume six years nsro I wíis nttatkcil with a severe form of rlieiiniatisin and dyspejisiii, and for live years have been takin; difterent remedies ïecommendi'd for these diseases, bilt foiind liothllig to relieve me, and for tlie last ihree years have been unable to do a day's work without suflering intenso pain throogb my back and shouldein, and my gtomnch vvas so niucli out of order tliat I Could not eat without lufferlng sreat pain. I had no appetite, and my victuals distressed me so that I rarely ever ate for tny slipper anythlng bilt crackers and niilk. CoramtDced takii ft RbeiimatieS}'riip,aiid after taking two bottles I lliought uiy ¦tomacb feit better. I coiitlnucd lts use a few weeks, and now iny appetite isfroml, and can eat sucli lood as farmers require, without dlstresslné tnc in the least, and I can do as mneh work without pain as ever in my life and enjoy my meulK In fact, I ain well, tbo Rlieumatic Syrup is the best medicine in the World. Ëuough eau not be said in itK praie. Lekoy Uendekbok.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News