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Republican State Convention

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A Rppublican State Convention to select four delégate at laige and Iwo delegales from each Congressional district (where the latler have not been previ uMy duly elected by district cuuveiuioiiNj to altend the Na tlunu Kepublici.u Convention called lo meet in Chicago on the third day of June next, lor the uuimnaliun ol candldales lor President and Vice-President, and to choose a otate Central Commlllee, will be held in Urami ltapids, on Xhursday the 2Uii day of April, A. IJ. ÏSSJ, at H o'cli ck A. M. The ttepublicau electora of the State, and f 11 othtir oters, without regard to pusi pol i II al ditterenees, whoa e u favor ot elevatiug au I digullyingAmerican labor.proieciingand exieudiug iionie industries, living iree popuiar educatiou lo thu musses ot the peopie,tecuring iree e-urfiage aud an honest couutlng ol ballols, tffeclually protecling all human righls In every section ol our cominou country, and whouesire lo promote lriendly leeliug and permanent harmony Ihroughout the land by .. alnlaiuiug a national government pledged to these objects and principies, are cordiaily inviled to particípale iu theelectiou ol delegates to ihis conveullou. 'ine yurlous Congresslo al distiicts liave theoption of elecling ihfir iielegales to the National couvention al separate popular delégale conven non, calleü ou not. leus than tweuty day' published notice. and regularly held in Die Congicstsional dislricls at any time withiu fine n days uext prior to the meeting ol the Slute couveuüon or byul)divisiousof the State conveutiou into district convelious. as has been heretofore practlced. All sueh district delegates shall be accredited by the otlicers oí sucü district couveutious. L'nder resolutlons heretofore adopted counties will bevnDDixl loone delégate for eath 300 votes cast for Governor at the last general election, and oue rnldit ional for every fractiou ol no less than SOU v. tes Each orgauized county will bo entitied to al least one delégate, and no delégate will be cnlilled toaseat in the Couveution whodoos nol reüidu In the couuty he proposes to represent. Secretarles of County Conventlons are requested lo prompLlv lorward certifleü lists of ihe delégales chosen to the Hou, Wyiiam Liviugstune, Jr., at Detroit, Mich., ns soon aa practicable aller their several conventlons are held. E. S. LACEY, Chalrman. Wm. Livingstone, E. W. Cottrell, H. b. Itowisou, Burton Parker, Jno. C. SDarpe, O. C. Tompkins, Jaines Mouroe, J M. Shepard E. U. D. Holden, Oeo.W. McBride Cnas. F. Klmball, E. U. White, Vi m. Hartsuff, Edgar Weeks. V. U. Kilpatrlck, A. 15. Darragh, E, O. Shaw, Jno. M Klce, T. C. Phillips, Albert Pack, T. T. Bales. W. K. Swllt Hepubllcan State Central Cora. Washlenaw county is entitied to sev enieen deltgates.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News