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Republican County Convention

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A Repnblicnn Connty Convention to elect Heventeen deiejíatet to the State Convention tobe held at Grand Rapids, on i hursrtay. April 24th, 1884, ut 11 o'cluck a. m., 10 elect delectes to the Hepuhlican National Coiiwntien at Chicago. Jane 3d, 1SS4and 10 rranB iet tncb other buBÏness af may properly come helure it. ill be held at the Conrt House in tht'iiiyot Ann Ariiur, on l'hureday, April 17th. 1884, at 12 o'clo k m. The ïev. r. 1 cides atid townthips wili be tiitiiled to defécales in the Cuunty e. nvetjtioi, as folluws: Aon ArborTown... 4 Northfleld 4 Ann Artmr (ity- PltU-Held 4 First Ward 5 Salem 4 Hecond ¦¦ 4 Saline 6 Tblrd ' 4 öcio 6 KourtLi 'k 4 öharon 5 Filth " 3 superior 5 isixtli ' 3 Sylvan 6 Augusta ... ....4 Webster 4 Bridgewater , York 5 Dexicr 3 Yigilantl Town 4 Freedom :! Ypsilanti ('lty.lst w 3 Lima 4 Second Ward 3 l.udi 4 Tliird " 3 Lyndun 4 Kourth " 3 Manchester 6 Filth " 3 By order of Fxeeutive Committoe. J. T JACOBS, Cüairman. L. F. W,t, Secretary. Ann Arbor March 19. 1884.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News