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Judge Joslyn

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Owing to the relatlonsbip beiween , Judge Joslyn, of this circuit, and Prostcutiug Attorncy, C. 1!., the , latter lit-iny tliej fortner's n-lav, h feeling has been growing ainong the members of the Washteuaw couiity bar tliiit favoritism was shown by the couit in cases iu wliich bis 8oii-in-law was interested. The existente of tliis feeling coming to the notice of' Judge Joslyn was the imtnediate cause of requests 'rum hlmself to the members of the bar yesterday morntng to meet him at the court room, when he addressed themasfollows: "Gentlemen of the Ann Arbor City Bar: - I have nvited you here this afternoon to nutify you of a resolution which I have adopted. I have this to say : I have lived in this counly more than 47 years. Duiing half tiiut time I have Held important public offices. I llave tried or helped to try more than 8,000 cases. I thought I had earned the repute of a fair and candiel, if not honest man. I carne on this bench with a full dclermlnation ander oath to be an Impartía] Judye and I have kept it. I resolved that no man should have a just cause tor saying I had not given him, his attorneys and his cause a fair hearing. Some of the bar of this city have sought to make for me a difterent reputatiou, and have so far succeeded that many honorable citi.ens of this county have come to believe from want of honesty or independent manbood I have not done as I had sworn and resolved I would. As a continued dropping of water wears a stone, so this continued assault had yesterday so far woru me that I had almost resolved to leave the beuch that some other man niight take my placo. To-day I have resolved not to resirn, and at his request I will not hereafter try a case in this county when Charles It. Whitman appears In t, and will gladly exchange with other juüges to do the WOrk of this county.'' The Judge, desiring to conduct the May term of the Hillsdale court, stated further that he would ask another judge to preside at the May term liere. Iteplying to a question fio u an attorney, Mr. JosIju said the wishe-! of the bar would be consulted whenever he invited anyone to hold court in his stead. The bar generally consider tliis the ea.'iest .solution of the diltioultv.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News