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"Ueorge, tlear, don'tyou think it lather extravagant of you to eat biitter witli thU delicious jam?" "No, love, cconomical. Same piece of bread does for both." Daughters, Wives, and Mothers. Ve euipliaticiilly guarantee Dr. Marchisi's Catholicon a Female Hemedy, to cure Female DgoiMea,8Uch as Ovarían trouble?, Iiiflammation and ulceration, Falling and Displacements or bearing down feeling, IrreguUrities, Barrenness, Gbatlfra of Ltfe, Leuconlicea, besklts many weaknesses springing fioni tlie above, like Headacbe, Bloating, Spinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Nervous debility, PalpiCatlon of tlie lieart etc. No cure. No Pay. For sale bydrusrgists. Prices $1.00 and $1,50 per Bottle. Sendto Dr. J. B. MarchbJ, Utiea. N. Y. for pamplilet, fret'. For sale by Eberbaeb & Son, Drujrgists. Is a miile-y cow a bard kicker? A loiig-continued story- "I will pay tlrit little bill next week!" "Tlie softening softness softer grew"- A rotten pumpkin in a frog pond - Rose's Tootbpick. Convlncing-. Tlie proof of tlie pudding is not in cliewing thastring, bul in having au opportunity to test the article direct. Eberbach & Sou the Druggixts have a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cougli and Lung Syrup for each and every oue who is alilicted with Cooghi, Colds, Asthrna, Consumption or any Lung Aüection. "Ob, dear!'' exelaimed Mis. Flight, "how dizzy I am ! my bead spins round like a top." "A very happy simile," remarked Fogg; "for every body's liead, you know, is atop."- Boston Transcript. HPÜ Sarsaparilla Is designed to meet the wants of a large portdon of our people who are either too poor to cmploy a puyslcian, or are too far removed to easily cali onc, and a still larger class who are not sick enougli to requlre medical advice, and yct are out of sorts and nced a medicine to build them up, glve them an appctite, purify tlieir hlood, and oil up the machinery oL their bodic so it will do lts duty willingly. No othcr article takes hold of tlie system and hits exactly the spot like HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Itworks like magie, reachlng every part of the human body throuph the blood, glving to all renewed life and cnergy. My friend, you need not take onr word. Ask your neiehbor, wlio has lust taken one bo He. He will teil you that ' H 's the best dollar I ever invested." I.EnANON, N. H., Feh. 19, 18T9. Mrcssns. C. I. Hood & Co.: Dear Sirs- AlthouRh creatly prpjudiced against patent ttiedicincs in general, I was induced, froni the excellent report! I had lieard of your Sarsaparilla, to try n bottle, last December, for Uyspepsia and general ïirostration, and I have rectivcd very gratifying results from lts use. 1 am now uslng tlie second bottle, and consider it a very valuable remetly for Indigestión and its attendaut troubles. Vouis truly, (rirm of Carter & ChíiL?ÜI!CIIILI ET" A gentleman who fíninori lias been suftering from vUIIICU the ZMUUyaaA Languor ƒ) i peculiar to this ccason, ' r OU POS says: "IIood's SAi:sArAEii,i.A is putting new life rigbt Into me. I havo gaincd ten pounds sincc I began to take it." lias taken twu bottles. IIood's Saksaparilla is sold by all dniggists. rricc SI Kr bottle; six for S5. Trepared by C. 1. 11OOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. FARMS FOR SALE. I oQer six good farms coulalulng froin 10 TO 240 ACRES EACH, tu Livingston and Inghnm CouutleK,at luw prices aud on easy terras. FIItST-CLASS LAHra 3d uuült good Htate of oultlvatlon. Wrlte or upply to Wa. McPiieksun, Jr. Howell, Mlch.


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