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Spring. . ... Have yon registeren ? Election Monday, Aprü 7th. Wbcelmen areO'Jt taking headers now. GroumlwvemJ-iili snow this murnlog. República" w ucuaea to-night and conVeuti"' to-morrow nlyht. v,„ïWinext, luis been designated by GoT,BqWteig"ArbQrDay." l )emMndk ward caucuses to-moriow „glit and coiiveiition Friday uight. The Beethoven concert was postponed frma lst Wednesüay nlght out after Easler. . . , Services will be held daily next week at tlie Episcopal chutch, it bcing Holy Week. ____ Common Couucil will not meet until Wednesday uigtit of next week, Monday king eluctiou day. Tlie Ypsilanti Cricket Club was organzed yesterday for tlio coming year. Why iiot start a club hcre? Sew tclephones have just been put In by J. C. Knowlton, ind by A. F. Martin & O, luaiber dealers. Tbat depot joku yesterday the boys trifdon Gib Bliss was on the would-be yolera, Gib "tumbled.'1 Tlie guests al the Öt Jaines found the jvincakes yesterday morning somewhat ilry wltli paper in them. April Fooi. Tlie Detroit Bicycle Club will raake a scven d.iys' Canadian bicycle tour, starting on July 13. Do our wheelmen take itmi this season? Howmany times did you try to. piek upa two-cent. piece yesterday that was fistened to the lower side of a showcase op? April Fooi! Robert Campbell has gone to Ypsilantl toattend the funeral of his tnother, who died Suod,iy evemng, March 3Oth, in the 8Oth year of her age. The regular tiioutbly inspection ofl Company A will not be held until the I wond Mouday of the montli, the law I t permiuing the holding of the same on I election day. „-t[ I There are about eight inches of fine, I rich earth wliere the wood-yard was, and I here the new skating rink is tobe, which I au be had by anyone if they will take it I iway within the next few days. I Joitlce Frutauff was callecl over to the I pirlors of the Cuok House Monday I about 1:30 p. m , to perform the marriage I tereraony for Mr. Herbert F. Wolf, of I Petersburg, M (iiroe county, and Miss I AliceM. Dugdale, ot Lodi. I Onr tlwnks are ilue the Departmont ofl Foreign Affaii-s on his Hawaiian Mijesty's I íerTice in Honolulú for a valuable 1 om and directory, giving considerable I I Ulislical and geueral iiifonnation reV"'Stó llie Hawaiian islauds. In one of our stores reeen tly the sign "Tomatoes" posted up, just below it the ign " Catsup." Of the former "atoes" li:ippeiied lo be orereil and at the same time " up " of catsup, so, reading in the usual order, we had " Tom-cats." Miss Eiler, a young lady cook at the St. James, was taken with a iit of insanit.v last Sunday, perhaps due to overwork, and was removed to Mr. Wallace's. She as reported yery much better last evcug. Miss Erler's home is In Charleston. KUl In Saturday at Uie residence of her Itykter, in Chelsei., occurred the death "filrs. Eliza B. Chapin, at the age of e% yeais. Mrs. Chapin lived on ckard etreet, in Uiia city, for quite a "amber of years, tliourh she has been in Uelsea tor tlie past flve years. Her re we deposited in the vault here yesterday. ¦" correctioü of an item last week we oukhay that the last of the special ierieg I "nten Rennons b Dr. Pitkin will be f'" Suil(Jiiy veMinj;. Subject, -Ciirist m Poutiu, Püate the Second Time." "'pH.rriswillpreach at the Episcowaiurefcnoe week from to.llilfht He ""ere on that date to hold confirmation fvices. or the office of Attorney G.neral we l'ce tne name of JudgeH.H Wheeler, unino-ton. is being frequently menJ7L Hh has been Circuit Judge in """ty. and we UDilentand his decisJ'Wer 'i'ghly respecteü and su'tained. ffputalion is that of a careful, 'gntlul and upriglit member of his wlon.aiui one showlng aptitude for Cutíes of Aitorney Geaeral. " Sixth ward it was understood AIderman Martin did not wish to f the office again. So for that office ;;'mofMr.J.H.PeebIe.ha.been ed,and is meeting with appoval, "11! p i'1Way8 been ? steadfast and 'b epublican. H,. woiild make a Vd fUn' and W0U'a doubtle8S b KluT'm Of James VIaly were r,oon"fro "n Arbor yterday fore'urr,Hm rllamilzo. where his death vicea "n,M""ll!4yi We AftcI sCon 'eC:ltho1ic church the bodj Va!?5'01' t0 the Nortl'neld cemetery. Vlfie;;bni!t6yfage,liyedin ¦Jrim"C'ny for Some time' tal ,aM0 Kal"ma2oo perhaps tlircc The Michigan Central rallroad have just settled witli Timothy McKone, Chelesa, for $4,550 In the suit brought by Sawyer and Knowlton against the compauy for datnages sustaincU by Mr. McKone in 1879. The case was recently reverscd in the supreme court, and the comnany settle without another suit. The flre departmeut wa3 called out about 1:50 tliis afternoon by a lire in the folirth ward. The residence of the court house janitor, Spencer Crawford, at 53 N. Flfth street, caught from a detective chiuiney. No good9 were removed trom the building. The tire was easily "put out witli a few buckets of water. Damage perhaps $50. Anu Arbor üommandery, No. 13, K. T. held its annual election last evening with the followiiijf result : Eminent C.mimauder, VV. G. Doty; Generalissimo, W. W. Nichols; Capt. Gen., C. Fall; Prelate, Rev. W. Hall; S. W., C. Milieu; J. W., Ben Watts; Tre-isurer, Dewilt Fall; Recorder, W. A. Tolchard; Standard Bearer, E. N. Gilbert; Sword Bearer, L. Goodrich; Warden, H. W. Hayes; Seutinel, T. Ta j lor. The Township Board of the Township of Ann Arbor were in session yesterday for the purpose of settling the business of the outgoing year. It was found thal the various funda had not been expended except the liijihway commissioners fuud which was overdrawn in consequence of the great cost of the new bridge on the Whitmore road just above the city, and niuch needed repairs of culverts and other passage ways within the township which have been thoreughly attended to by tlie commiisioners. ? - Thursday nlght last week two fellows with the names Oeorge and Henry Harvey killed tour sheep belonfring to Hernán Hicks, living about three miles down the river The ciircasses were thrown to Mr. Hicks'a hojrs and the pelts brought to this city and sold to a dealer in Lovver Town early Friday morning. Mr. Hicks learning of the sale, Identlfled the pelts later the same morning, three by the brand and the fourth by an ear mark. The two Harveys were arrested in Rinsey & Seabolt's store, Saturday. When brouaht before Justice FrueauffMonday morning they plead {TuütV, and were bouud over to the circuit court. The sheep were esti mated at $6.50 each, the total loss being $26. The Ypfilanti papers of last week contained accounts of the claudestine maiïiage about a year siuce, in Detroit, of one Richard A. Garrison, an employé of H. P. Glover, in Ypsllanti, and Miss Minnie Meudel, of the same place. The murriage was not generally known till rccently, and was brought out by Garrison's expected marringe soon with aiother young lady in Ypsilanti. Though he at tirst denied the marriage with Miss Mendel, later it was acknowledged in writiug before witnesses, $75 being paid by Garristyi to cover the cost to Mrs. Gariison of securing a divoice. Mrs. Garrison by her attorney, Mr. Whitman, filed a bilí for divorce in the C'lerk's oflice here yesterday. ___J


Ann Arbor Courier
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