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Dr. Smitli if being talked of for mayor. Dr O. C. Jenkins was in Detroit, Thursday. Chss. EL Richards epeiit Sunda? in Detroit. F. B. Able has uot returned from New York yet. Harry F. Sayles, the evangelist, is in Ypsilanti niiw. Lucius L. VanSlyke passed vacation week ia Albion. Mrs. Dr. Wright, of Dexter, was in tlie city Monday. Mrs. A. L. Taylor is visiting her daughter in Lansing. Emory Townsend, now liviug in Colorado, is lieie on a vlsit. County Clerk Robison went over to his Sharon farm Monday. Miss Nettle Slorms spent last week visiting triends in Lima. Miss Mattie Voorhees, of Detroit, is visiting at V. Thomaa's. Miss Hattie Green, Ypsilanti, visited friends iu the city last week. Joe T. Jacobs and son returned Saturday from their goutheru trip. Sam Langsdorf was soniewhat under the weather early iu the week. Will gprague and wife, of Detroit, visited over Sunday with J. Sprague and faniily. Miss Lizzie Hunt, on Maynard 8treet, is in the city. She lias been teaching at Teoumseh. Neg Coehran and F red Hitchcock came up fiom Toledo Saturday for a short stay in Aun Arbor, . L. S. l'ryer, of the Lansing Agricultural College, visitel his old home here a few days last week. ürafton Waples came out from Detroit Friday for a short visit with hia parents and triends in tliis city. The sllver wedding anniversary date of Ben. Watts will be reaehed uext Monday. Do we celébrate? Miss Thompson, of Lanslng. who had been spending a few days with friends in the ei y, retnrned home Monday. Theodore Huss, of East Saginaw, returned Monday. Mr. Huss has a position in a Saginaw hardware store. Dr. A. A. Hallock. formerly of Ann Arbor, and a gradúate of the class of '80, medical department, has located in At Hun. Miss llaüie Fonda, after passing i week at the home of J. N. Bailey, returned to her home in Detroit öaturday moruing. Mr. and Mis. Geo. L. Mooie went down to Ypsilanti Satuiday. Mr. Moore returned Monday and Mrs. Moore reuiuii.3 several days. To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henwick, spring street, a 1 1-pound daughter Suuday night. Dr. and Mrs. Obetz were favored with a b.iby girl last week. J. K. Wyman, of Detroit, is iu towu i to-d,iy niaking contracts for the new roller skating rink. Work has been begun and t. will be pushed. C. K. Wagner, quondam Main street grocer, is now 011 Anu street north of the court house, haring moved hia stock to that point Saturday night. K Lee Word and his brother Charlie left Monday night to meet Mrs. Word in Missouri, thence to accompany her home to Virginia City, Montana. Miss E ld ma ïïof has engaged to work for Mrs. W. VV. Tuttle, of Anu Arbor, the coming season, and left for that city yesterda}'. Manchester Knterprise. Mis. J. F. Kicketts, who has been stopping tn tuis city duriug tho winter, after her return from the west, left Saturday for a short visit in Farwell, Mich., previous to m.iking her home iu Midland, this State. Speaking of an Ann Arbor boy in the McC.iull opera company, of New York, a Buü'alo daily says : " Mr. Taylor is considered tlie best of all the tenors in Manager McCauli's employ, and is well known with the " home company " in the Casino, New York. for hls singing of the famous, " moon song" in the " Queen'a Lace Handkerchief," and the ïóle of Tiombovius in " Prince Meüiusalem.1'


Ann Arbor Courier
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