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AraLOPnoROS Is a novel wora to moet peuj'le who epeak the Engüsh I&ngu&ge. The a (ireeka used it centuries ayo, meaning1 by it w "XIIE PRIZE-BEAREIÏ." Athlophoros is the first and onlr 0 medicine wliich has carried off the prize as the perfect remedy for Kheu matisra and Neuralgia. Like two relcntless tjTanta they have for ag-ea held their euffering victima in an iron O prip. These poor Bufferers have beeii aaelaves in tïie powex' of their oppressons. Athlopuokos has entered the arena, enA gaged in conflict wi th the monsterB, and won tho victory. As the coinpetitora in the Grueian raines of old could win only by the most severe trials G f ability and eudurance, so Athlophoros haa won the prize, not aloue by tfiving temporary relief, but by bringing an endurin? cure, a well, to thoe who have suffered the excruciating1 ag-oniea of lïheiunaticni and Neuralgia, Athlophoros is a novelty, not only 9 in name, but in its elements. It is unlike any preparation yet introduced. Athlofhoros acts on the blood, muscles and joints, removinp: the poieon and acid from the blood, carries them out of the syetem. ATHLOPnoRos Is put up with consummate skiil, and contains nothing that can possibly harm the most delicate constitution. G Now, do you want to suffer on and on? or do you want to be well? L " Athlophoros" WILL Cure You If you cannot get Atülophoros of your drugglst, we wlll send It expresa pald, on receipt ol regular prlee- one dollar per Dottle. We pref er that jou buy It from your dragglst, but if he hasn't It, do not be persuaded to try somethlng else, but order at once írom us as dlreeted. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WÍLL ST., NEW YORK. iiiiiniiii 'i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE PL'REST AND BEST. Remedy Evcrj Made.- It is Compounded 1. om Hops, Mait, Dnclin, MauUrake, and Dandellon. The oldett, best, most renowned and yaluable medicine in the wOrld, ind in addition it cüntaiiis all the best ind most effeotive curativa proporties of ;ill other remedies, blood puiifler, ind lite and Uealtb restoring agent on earth. It v(S new life and vitfor to the agpd and intimi. To cleiyynien, lawyers, literary mep, ladies, and all wliom sedentary emploMiients cause irrcgulaiities of the Blood, Stomacli, Bowels, or Kidneys, or who requiri; an, tonic, and mild stimulant, it is invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, without Ueinjc intoxicatlng. Ko matter what your feellngs or symptoihs are, or what the disease or ailment is, use Ho)) Bitters. Don't wait until you ai e sick, but if yon only feel bád or miserable use tiie bitters at once. It niay save your life. Ilundieds have been saved by so doing, at a moderate cost. Ask your dniggist, or physician. Do not Bufter yourselt or let your fiiends suffer, luit use and urge them to use Hop Bitter?. If you have lamencss in the lol rif, with frequent pains and nches; numbness of tielliigh; scantj', painful and frequent di.-cliarge of urine, tilled witli pus, and vvhich will turn red by standing; a voracious appetite and unquencliable thirst; harsh and dry skin ; clainmy tongue, otten darkly funed; swollen and inHamed gums; drapsical swelli.ig of the liinbs; frequent attaeks of hlCCOUgb; inability to void tlie urine, and great fatigue In atlemptllig it - you are suflering from some tinni of Kidney or Urinary Complaint, such as Biugiit's Disease of the kidney, stone or int! iinmation of the bladder, gravel and renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary stricture and letention of tlieunne, and Hop Bitters is the only remedy that will permanently cure you. Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile,drugged, dranken nostrutn, but the parest and best medicine ever made, and no person or tainily suould be without it. Dou't risk any of the higbly lauded Stuff With testimoniáis of great cures, but ask your neighbor, druggist, pastor or pbysicians what Hop Bitters has and can do lor you and test it. Learn to say No! and it will be of more use to you thau to be able to read La tin. - Spurgeon. Posltlvc cure Tor Piles. To the people of this County we would say we have been giveu the Agency of Dr. Mareh si's I lal ian IMleOiutment - eniphatically guaranteed to Cure or nioney refunded- Internal, External, Blind, Bleeding or Ilching Piles. Trice 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Ebeibach & Son, ürugjjlsts. '


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