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WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILU 8EE BY EXAMININC THIS MAP, THAT THE ':. ' ' ¦frlers, by reassvi of lts unrivaied geo. te between the East, Northeast and H Vnectlons are all o( the principal Uní . 3 . F3 Chicago, Jollet, Peoría, Ottawa, -' íHln Illinois; Davenpot, Muscatlne, :arfielcJ, Des Molnes, West Liberty, ft Cuthrle Center and Councll Bluffs, Bansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven Hnareds of cltles, vlllages and towns n all the advantages and comforts M M on Depots at atl connecting points, BilOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WELL ' 'SaNT DAY COACHES ; a Une of the Bh AIR CAr,S ¦ r built ; PULLMAN'S ¦leEPINC CARS, and DININC CAR8 H ' Hto be the F NEST RUN UPON ANY Brlor mealf .re served to travelers at H Reo and ne MISSOURI RIVEfi. '¦llliH P anJ M "NEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, vla the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Line, vla Séneca and Kankakte, has recently been opened, between Mewport News, Rlchmond, Clnolnnatl, tndlanapolls and La Fayetta, and Councll Bluffs, St. Paul, Mlnneapolis and intermedíate polnts. All Through Passengers carrled on Fast Eipress Trains. For moredetalled Information, see Maps and Folders, which may beobtained, as well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada, orar R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vin-Prea't A Can'l Manager, Cen'l T'k't A Pass'r Ag't, CHICAGO.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News