Real Estate Transfers
Geo. W.Hoy to C. D. Valentine. Manchcs'er lut $1,(10 Josephine K. Stein to Sarah A Boothe, ¦ silauti, lot Mary Donelnon to Theodore A. Hiscock, Ypsilanti lut. 88 44-100 acre o 000 Caroline Turner to Mary A. Bilble, Ann Arbor.lot 1-100 Nelson J. Keyer to L. W. 8. MorKan, Ann Arbor, lot .. 2,200 Willis E. Potter to Forbes H. Ballard, Augusta, UO teres 2,200 Jacob Bissinger to Michael Kaercher, Scio, 160 acres 11.000 David F. Moore to ('has. Trefetbcrn, Manchester, 20 acres 1,800 Geo. S. Morris to Kendall Kittredge, Ann Arbor, lot 3,000 Clarence M. Harria to F. W. Cleveland, YpBilanti, lot 2,000 Monroe . Woolsey to Comfort R. Bolt, Su I.erlor, 53 acres 2,000 Mary E. DeLand to John Boyce, YpBilanti, lut „ 2200 Jasper F. Martin to C. L. Yost, Ypsllantl, Iot, 1,000 John Miller to Morris S. Hall, Ypailauti, lot. 1,500 Erastus W. Bascoin to Jasper Martin, Ypsilauti, lot 1,200 Geo. W. Crane to Kalph Rice, Pittsfleld, 51 acres 4,000 Mary A. Hartbeck to Wm. H. Huesman, Sharon, 80 acres 4,300 James Chidister to John Bird, Augusta, 80 acres 3,200 Abram F. Burden to Reuben Kempf, Lima, 110 acres 6,000 Cheter L. Yost to Frank J. Krese, Pittsfleld, 103 acres 8,000 Edwin Bennett to Kinanuel Jedele, Webster, 1,200 Thomas Ewing to Emanucl Jedele, Dxter, iot :;,ooo Henry Krause to Eliza Valentine, Saline, lot, 1,000 John O. Koch 10 John Pflsterer, Ann Arbor, lot 1,220 Mary G. DaviBto C. L. Yost, Ypsilanti, lot.. 80O Abraham Hirth to Martin a. Hirth, Lodi, 200 acres 11,100 Ellen L. Cook ro Geo. Markin, York 1,000 Wm. K. Chílds to Cathariue C. Masen, Ann Ai bor, Iot 4.T0 Robert Campbell to J.VV. Kappler, Pitt-fleld, 77 acres 5,390 Edward Pardon to Frederick Giese, Aun Arbor, Iot 1,000
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Forbes Ballard
William H. Huesman
William K. Childs
Comfort R. Bolt
George W. Hoy
C. D. Valentine
Josephine K. Stein
Sarah A. Boothe
Mary Donelson
Theodore A. Hiscock
Caroline Turner
Mary A. Bilbie
Nelson J. Keyer
L. W. S. Morgan
Willis E. Potter
Jacob Bissinger
Michael Kaercher
David F. Moore
Charles Trefethern
George S. Morris
Kendall Kittredge
Clarence M. Harris
F. W. Cleveland
Monroe W. Woolsey
Mary E. Deland
John Boyce
Jasper F. Martin
C. L. Yost
John Miller
Morris S. Hall
Erastus W. Basom
Jasper Martin
George W. Crane
Ralph Rice
Mary A. Hartbeck
William Huesman
James Chidister
John Bird
Abram F. Burden
Reuben Kempf
Chester L. Yost
Frank J. Kress
Edwin Bennett
Emanuel Jedele
Henry Krause
Eliza Valentine
John G. Koch
John Pfsterer
Mary G. Davis
Abraham Hirth
Martin H. Hirth
Ellen L. Cook
George Marken
Catharine C. Masen
Robert Campbell
J. W. Kappler
Edward Pardon
Frederick Giese