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NIETHAMMER-In tliis -ity. Aprll 5 '84 Mrs. Methammeu, mother of Mis Jolm Oall, altheage ol 68 years. Funeral yeslei the house of Mr. Gall. SOBER- In Salem, April 4, '84, James Sober, aged 90 years, 11 months mul M days Funeral Sunday at 2:30 p. si., from Peebles church. PHELPS-In Webster. Aprll 2d of con sumptlon, Minnie D., eider daugluer of Hm rlson T. and Mary S. Phelps, aged lo years 2 monihs and 21 days. Her suffering has been long nnd severe, ye her patleuce during all tliose long nionlh has been almply sublime, no murmur aróse to her Ups, and her sweetness never lelt lier Calinly and peacefully he passed to the Blver, where tbe Boatman with niuffled oars was waltlng to bear her over. Dcar Mlnnle lia (tone to her rest. A rest free froin sorruw and paln, To the Fatlier wüo knew It was best, Who knew that your loss was her galn. Oh, heaus that are broken and crushed A brlght hope for the future Is thlne; Look ui to that Father and trust. And Ught through the darkness wlli Une. Bitter tears we know jou must shcd, Becausc of the desolate years. Yet thlnk, how your beautlful dead Has escaped all such soitow aud tears, Inthc "swcctbyc-andbye" whcnyou mect Iu that land thut Ís falrer than day, " Your Minnlc wlll be there, to grect The loved ones alie lef t on the way. Apeil 7, 1SH. a FRIEXD. The funeral, which was larcely attended was held at the Congregatioual church, lu Dexter, Sunday, at 1:30 P.M., Rev. M. C. Allen of Leslie, conductlng the servies. CAMPBELL-March, 30th, 1884. Mrs. Aïse Campbell, in her eigntieth year. ia Ayrshlre. Scotlaud, neariy sUty years ago Anue Muir became the wilo of Kobert Uampbell. In 1812 the famlly tnoved to Washtenaw county, Michigan. öhe was the mother of ten ehildren, eight of wliom arrived at mutunty.anu six survive her. six of her sous gniduuted at the State Normal School, aud during their school days her zeal and eftorts for their comfort aud welfare were contlnual and undimlmshiug ; aud to those seeklng still higüer edueatiou her uiotueriy encuuragemeutand assistauce coutluued uuabated. öhe was endowed with a remarkable forcé a( charaoter, and would use the most severe Invectives iu denouncins willlul transgressars or hypocrites. To her, Uod and Heaven were ab oiute veritles- uo doubts in regaid to a luture staie. The Bib, e was a sure loun.lation . M ueh of i ts con ten ts süe had at comtnaud, aod she used the sword of the Spirit with marked success. iier childrcu were all professed Christians. She was always a iriend to tne poor, sick, or iiifortunate.and was ever on the alert to renier thetn asslstance as 10 both their temporal tui spiritual wellare. Through all these years of married life she n-as a faltuful and devoted wl e, and a loving, elf-sacrlflclng mother ; willing to sacrifice sverything bul principie- here she was un;ompromlslng as the old Covenauters; for .he real forcé of her character lay in her in.t'use moral earnestuess. She was interred In the Stony Creek Ceme;ery, by the side of her ehildren who had fone before. The funeral exercises were conlucted In a very appropriate and lmpressive iianner by Dr. McCorale. In addltion to ther cholee selections ol Scripture, he read sart of the 31st Chapter of Proverbs as bel ng eculiarly applicable to her, especially the .voids "Her ehildren arlse up, and cali her Jlessed; her husband also, :uid he praisetb ler." The floral decorntions were beautiful and ippropriate. A hamlsome anchor, a lovely vreath across which the word "Mother" was ïieely outlined, and the gatesajar, were the urger designs. She was tenderly carried to her last resting lace by six of her graudsons, and thus ali hat was mortal of a noble woman was comniHr il to the dust. She Is now in the shining portals waitlngto velcome her husband and descendanls when }od shall cali them henee. Com