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UiiiiumittnikiMitiHunnuimnm tt Ui" li il iiiii j] , f V 5 r BO0K OFMAHTYR" !¦ I I V V ct'uti'lus niany iittlrtI A f ui slorlea ot most aitoV7 V J Dlzl]1t' Kuffcrli. ft ¦ - W nüthlng. elt heríoste or pioture, can be more dlsixissful tlirin Cna Hiarp, Berere, shootlng palna daiky and MiKhïL' enduredliyth'.sewiioaromortyrgto UmtThOB I terrlblo torment. Neuralgia. To ft, i rM ot (hki : iiianyidow U the lirst bi.biness of ailwho ïUCeif Athlophoros xoarates naitrful nerve, and (Irires owtWliorrors ot Munralgla. Athi.ophoros givea haalth la EfeeHiuati suHeriT.s wliom tlie maat sfkliul ntu'slcUa tuve noc buen able tj üaí j Athiopiioboh operates on the Mooi], muit(Lj and joinM; andisotving the acttW tliot mbs lUievmaclsm, remore ïiicm trom tlie System. Athlothoros is nront linccil },.y all who hpwjt! It an. mCaMttrie speclüc tor these Read the testimony of ene of the sufferers. David Little, Sumner, Benner Co.f lowa, writes: " I am past 77 yearn of h%g, havehad the Rheumatiam threa years aud cinhi moutliB; lost oue-third of my weiffht; could not walk, but shuffled along on crutches; could not sleep; nerves nhattered, do Btrentih in my hands, wriwts, knees or feet. But tlianks be to God for your (rreat discovcry ! The midicine arrived Saturday night. I took a doeo Suuday momintf, feit lt 11 over me, and kept on with it. Monday mornins I got up and dressed myaelf, and walked out into the kitchen without the aid of crutch or cane, and wished them all a happy New Yoar. I rent n-ell uiehte, am Kaininsr in etreugth, and ouco more enjoy life. Wish I could put Atuloj'houos in the hands of every sufferer f rom thin terrible diseaee.'' If you cannot pet Athlophoros of your drnririt, we wül Hend it eipress paid, on receipt of reKular price- one dollar per bottle. We prefcr that you buy it iroru your druffriBt, but if he haüii't it, do not ba prrHtuuled to try souiething: elue, but order at once f rom ub as directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO., H2 WfllL ST., diEW YORK. utmmummuiï,&.uMtrjnttumif THE PCEEST AND BEM. Koniorty Kvery Made- It Is Compounded froni Hops, Malt, ISiichu, Mandrake, and Dandellon. The oldest, best, most rcnowned and valuable medicine in the world, ind in additlon t contains all the best and most effective cumtive propurties of ill other remedies, blood puiiflei', and life and hcalth restorlOK agent on earth. It gives ncw lile and vigor to tlie aged and inlirm. To cleiKymen, lawyers, literary men, ladies, and all wliom sedeutary employments cause iiTcgularitics of the Blood, Stomnch, BoweU, or Kidneys, or who require an appetizer, tonic, and mild stiinnUnt, it is Invaluxble, being highly cnratlve, tonic and tlmulating, without beiiifi; Intoxicatlng. No matter wliat your feelings or syinptoma are, or what the disease or aifnient is, use Hop Bitten. Don't wait nnlil you aie sick, but ii you only teel bad or miseiable use the bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundmls have been suved by go dlijng, at x moderate cost. Ask dniggist, or physician. Do not sutler yourselt or let your friendo Buffer, Uut use iinil urge them to use Hop Bittei. If you have lameness in the loinc, with frequent ]ains and aches; nuuibness of tliethigh; scanty, painful and frequent discharge of uiïne, lilled willi pus, and which wül turn red by standing; a voracious appetite and unquenchable thirst: iiiir.sii ma dry sKiii; clHimny longue, olten ilurkly Cncred; swollen and inflamed gums; dropsical swelling ol the lhnbs; frequent uttucks of hiOCOUgh: innbilily to void the urine, nnd rreat fatigue In attcnipting it - you are sufi'ering trom tome forni of Kiüney or Urinary Complaint, such as BriGHT's DiSease of the kidneys, stone or iufl iimnation of the bladder, gravel and renal calcnli, diabetes, strangÜHry stricture and retention of' the urine, and Hop Bitters is the only reniedy tliut will ienn;uienrly eure y.ou. HenR-mbt' r, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugied, drunken nosti uin, but the purest and best medicine ever made, and no person or lainily hhould be without it. Don'i risk any of the lllghly laudcd btull witli testimonial of great cures, but ask your neiglibor, drugglst, pastor or pbynolaill what Hop Bitters bas and can do lor jou and test it. l'osltlve cure for Piles. To the people of thig County we would say we have been given the Agency of Dr. I MarchiHi'sItalianPileüiuttnent - empliatically guaranteed to Cure or nioney rcfunded- Interdal, Externa!, Blind, Bleeding or Itehing Pile. Price 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Eberbach & Sou, Drugglgtf. I


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News