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Baking Powder Figures

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THAT DON'T LIE. The Royal Bakiug Powder Co. try to give the infercncc tliat their powder containsmore rcam Tartar and (hut ts l.iaicniiu Power is jrreater tlian ,-iny oiher made, a stated in tlieir advertisement on the " Compara ti?e Worth of Ba"kinr Powders," exhibited by black linee. Our name. was mentioned !n eonneetion with one of our cbeaper branda, made of difiere ut tatiterialp gstlie tiade might ¦Iemand. Our Cream Tarlar brand of n;i . v - eiirl was ouiltfed, evidently tor a verv Rood leason, jitdstng trom the relativo nivrils of AHSBEw'a "PeÁul" and Ihe Boyal, as cleaily deirwnstrafed by the Goverpment Cliemisr, Dr. Petku Collier f the Department o? Agrirulture, at Washington, trom samples rcceived by hiin tiom dealeis who funiished tlie samples trom their stocks on hand in open inarket. SliowIngeïCcssofCrcamTartiir In Andrews1 FID Pfll I ICDv' AM Al V O I O - ' -. ¦ -s. U. S. Dept of Aghktlturf: i Z. ' ' D. C, Maren 1U, 1833. f C. E Andrews & Co.- Gentlpmon : I received by ('Xprcss from riios. Lydon and J. lJ. Ilirkins &Co., " ¦ Orund Avi1., Milwuukei!. and Harper Bnw-, Oliica g Hj 10, III .samples of Andrews' Pearl and Koyal Bak ". Sjfll '" ¦ '"'"' 'll!1 Ciins were n gond condition " ¦ "" ¦ wuen received and the seiils unbroken. I tind upon &Se I I 'WÜJSl llint Amlrewfl Pearl Bnklng Powder con Whm éI 1 . ¦ r.-iins nbnut fonr and a liül il!,, per eent. more t BS-'iïJ Ë'-V ¦ cream lanar tlian tlie Koyi.l Bakinjr P..wder. 0: KBb.wl UJ W, ¦¦" "¦„ 1 "'dHproorllonalelrlarjfer percentage %ÏSw"ï tt R'V' ¦ ¦ r t'1l"'ic at'll titi, and I ti-id u l Ie fel O M ""¦¦ ircelrom aluin, and anj Injilrloug sulsSp '' c gjWB ;: Sincerely jour?, UïgggP !%tjgL!r V. S. Cbemist, Dept of Aricul' ure. i f Gommjii eters! Colliert in lysis as totlieLe:veiiiiiL Qualities. andrewL.' r r ti n i HüflM IliflMHIMfif " tf'iTfi:'aMg ROYAL i"- - Xo wonder the Royal C. oinitted Andrews' Pearl from their " Comparatire List." as Gnvernnieiit. ('hemist Collier's aiialvsis how e.oiicluively two ihings Ist, That Amlrevv.-' Pearl contains more i'rcam Tarlar than the Roval, as sliomi ly the cuts abnve; 2d. That the I a n i ut; Power of Andrews' Pearl is greaier than the Boyal, as sliown by the two blaek Unes above. CSALLEXTCE. We will gsve the Royal Co. or any one else $1.000 or $5.000 f they can prove by iiv tuir inniiial tcf.t that indrew s' Ptarl Bakina Powder does, or ever did, contnin aluin or anv iiijiiriiiiu) suoStamTB, kiiu uu - ¦„¦ - . - . Pearl iW.ler 3 snstained by a tetimmal as to itspuril y ai.d Mreiifflli by the ivnly ftetmine c.mniis-ioned Goveriiinent chemit, sucli as the KojalU). „ever have pub.ished. Tnv lx. c Ai)REWS & o 287. '280 & 291 E. Water Sc, Mihvaiikee. 45 Michigan Ave.. Chicago.


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