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BU INESS CARDS. WII.LIAH BICGS Contractor and Builder. SEÍOP: orner Clmrcli and Orleans Sfreet, ANN ARBOR, M II II. V. II. JAl'KHOV Xíl E3l JVlITlilH SUTIL O-FFiC'K : Over Bachs A A icl'-i Dry Goods Store. Kntrasce ey Firt N.tiukl Bamí. niLLiin iiEitz, House, Siga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperiuu.Glizi' g, (Sildi.g, iiml Calciminiui;, and work 01 every deacriniio.i rtone tu the best stvle. and warranted to give f iti tfact i ¦ ín . Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. C. SCIIAEBERLi:, Residerce. 57 South Main St., Teacueh of PiiaOjTiílittdlhfisrjotMtt IN"STfiTJCTIOlTS Given od Plan of ihe Koyal Conservaiory or Muele at Lei pule, Saxony. WILLIAM W. NICHOLS DBNTISTNew Dental Rooms, over Jos T. Jacob's Store. Oa.S or VITILIZED AIR Ammiaterad tur ihe uait.lusii extracti .nuf teetb. JOSEPII BRKRV, The Practical TMOR M (JUTTER, Of the lato arm of WTNANS & EERKY. has li'CHterl h's place of hu-mese at NO. 7 HURÓN STREET, ¦V1TH A FULI, LINE 01' Suitings and Trouserings, iv,A.ní T""1'1 m t0 hl" o)d Wend and nvwouee ,V 'hey wanl a Q0W FIT and a NOBBY FI I' t KHSDNAi.LK PKiCEs, cali on him aud they "Hl te pure Iq g.t one. E4 GOUFREI & CO., Pointers and Decora tors 167 k 169 fMánaU Street, "ETROIT, MICHIGVN. Fine Paper Hangings, Elegant Ceiling Decorations, Fine Friezes in all Widths, House Shades and Rollers. A lárice varisiy of Room Munldings and nook. FRESCO PAINTING! ,.-W!,!n,ake,!"'I'ecia"'r of STOKK SADi:S. and ppiicattun e9t"Date'i a"d ampl"-' ol color on SHADES Ftttcd to roll frum top or b.ittom of the wlndow on oSín , "i í,r lmvelil": Holler. Will luruish pwiue shadlng t.i the trarle cui to meaínre PÁTfÑTS OfflTu1 aHndU lher b"'"""' in the ü 8. Ptent X'I'W to for MODKBA i E FEKS. e cn,?hte i" "}'po%'la ttle Ptent Office, and ¦."fi'fto'S'ÍSKgir" tlmu .n tho=e r. ,We o %5'tLii0 lhí, ';'""'''"" the 8v- f atsni Office Ï'V i1 ",' offlcl-'8 ' the Ü. S. H19 tf Oposito Patent üfflc, Va" ton, D.C.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News