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iTSIESATBLOODnunE&É IQ Lira and Kidney Eemedy, m I Compounded from the wll known B I Curatlves Hops, Malt, Buchu, Jlan¦ drake. DandeÜn, Sarsaparilla, m a cara Sagrada, etc., combmed witb an W M agreeable Aromatic Elixir. M A THEY CÏÏEE DTSPEPSIi & IMSESTION, J8 99 Act opon tho Llyor aad Kidttjs, L1 M BEGTOXATE THE BOWELS, S wTbey cure Rheumatism, and all EB1 nary troub'es. They lnvigorate, wm nöurish, strengthen and quiot m the Nervous System. 1 A As a Tonic they have no Equal. M 3rfa Take none but Hop' and 7Ialt Bitters. ÉKÉ i B - - FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. H i ! Hops and Malt Bitters Cc. S ; aS DETROIT, MICH. .SBS P asB ÊSS BI ' GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHEBS ! I EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed TJneqixaled FOB QPERATION, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WQRKMANSHIP. ImproTemeats and Convenienees founi in no ethers. Always Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERÊ. Top Sale In Every City and Town In the ITnlted States. And by JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arbor, Mich. "PüH SALE. A two story frame dwelling house, barn on irear of lot. Located on the nortb west corner 'of Fourth and North Streets, Ann Arbor M ich. A large part of the parchase prioe cun h-emaloon bond and mortgage. í:nqulreof JOHN FEBDON, State Streel, or of B. 1AY. Washtenaw Ave. An n n r 8ena lx cent for postage. Biid rpUU ƒ L cflve freo, acostlyboxof goods whlch rnl r. wm v " of c"hci" '¦ to more I IUL LI „,,,,,,. v ,-ltïIi i nwuy than anythlDgclse In ihli worlíl. Fortunes awalt the ' worïen abiOlutelT surc. At once adilress Turn & Co., Augusta. Molne.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News