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POWDER Absoiutely Pure. 1 hls pnwdpr never varíes. A marvel ofpurily,strengilianl wholesomenetis. Moreeconiiiiic-hI 111,111 the nrriiiiiiry kinds, and cannot uk s ld In coni' etiUon the multltude ol low Mio t wfiglu aluin or phosihnt (ff log'&n'VTa. ??yAL BAK1K" 4pv; (jiticuia iS%% 'JL POSITIYECURE " Xo m, f2P foreveryfurm of "5ISJiÉiP SKIN&BLOOB DISEASE. WVO PIMPLES ÏÖkUOFUU 'I1') C KASE Tn: SKIN, sc-ilp, and Blond of l Itcliin-, Scaly, Copp.r Uolnred, Scrofulona. iDbnr tea, nd Cmitagiou Rumois, Blnod H.'iw ïih, Ulcvr, Ahecesses, and Inlantile Skin 'lonurt-s, the Culcura Rem dies are infal.ible. Cutlcnra Resolvent, the new Blnod Pnriür, iii , and pei ei.i, txp ]8 dipeage gering froin tb bln d m,d pernpiration. and ttillB removes üie.ame. Cuticura, V Kict skin Uure, inplant ly aliaj iichlnji at.d lnflimina inn, clears the Skin ÏDd Soili), beals Ulceis ud Sjre, reeture. the Comp fxiuii, Cuticura So p an exqvltslte iskin Biiiui llt-r Miid T.iltt K quiile, is lndifpi'nsabie in ir. -kiu di-caa . and for roiiüb, chapped TfjieaKj rkin, olai kh adf, blolciifs. and habv huiucir-; Cotlcura Kemeilieis r ihe only iüfjilibie rkarlcs Ilousliton, INq., lawver, 28 state St.ct-i, duetuu, .e uitó a case. ol all hheum under liië o'ííh rVíiiion leu yt-ars, which c veretl ttie pariemV hod and hmb aml tu whicn all knowu lueihufls oí iré :m.-ijr ta i been appliei without beui flt, wh'ch wns compleiely curcd solely hy the rntlcara iu-mediee, leaviug a clean aud tieallhy 'i r. and JUrs. V. rrt-ti Stebbins, lïeichcrr wii, a.-o.,wiite: uur Jii.le noy was terribly af11 ctfi.i wiih iScrofiihi, tí. J' UtH-nni, and EryeipulaB eve tac was bnrn, and imihini; weC'Uld give bim helped tiim untu we trieu Ciuicura K medies, wbich gradúa ly cured hiiu, uutil ne ie now a lair as any chi d H. I!. Carpenter, llcnderson.N. Y., curcd ui rsiniaiö oí Le r 8 , nl tvventy yearo' ttandin;.', i)y Cutir ura niediee. i be rnortt wouderful cuie nu record. A du!tpanful of t-cales feil Ironi tiim daily . Puyalcittbü añil hit íriendt tboabt he mtnt die. Cure tvvorn lo be-oie a ju-tici' ol the peace ai d He iidt-rsniiV mut ufnminent cl tig -ns. Mr. S. E. Wlilpple, Decatur, Mtch., writes thai hl-i f.iC-, lieau, uu e -me part8 nl btT body ere alnu t law. iirud covered with icaba ann ! 'M. Suff red feartolly a ui tned everythiiiir. Permai ei c i.ed b ibe Cuticura Remedies lrom a -kin Uu uur. ís id by 11 drugi-ts. Cuticura, 5U cects ; Resolveiit. -Í100; Soap, 25 cent. Poter urug and Cliemieai v_o. Bodón, Mace. seud lur ¦ IIow to Cl re Skin Diskasks." CATARRH Sanford's Radical Cure, The Great Balsamic Distillation of WitchHazel, American Fine, Canadian Fir, Marigold, Clover Elossoms, Etc. For the ImincdiatG Relief and Permanent Cure of every form of Catarrh. from a Simple Head Cold or Influenza to the Loss of Smell, Taste, and Hearing, CoitKh, Bronchitis, and Inclplentt'onsumptlon. Belief In flvc mlmites in any and every case. Nothlng like lt. Gmteful, fragrant, wholexome. Curebcglns from flrsl applicatlon. aud Is rapid, radical, permanent, and never falllnff. One botLle Kadleal ure, one box Catftrrhal Solvent and Sflnford'H lnhaler, all tu one package, formina a complete treatment, of all drngglsu for tl. Ask for SANFORO'8 liADICAL Cl'KK. 1'OTTEK DHUO AND (. DKMIOAL CO., lïOUtOn. Fh. ÍS ¦¦b""::'--:' V-:ta:c Electric PlHttr Wk jS ¦ U Instantly aSects tin' N'ervous I ¦¦H tíystem and banishes I'Jiín. A HHIIV perfecl Elkctbic Battkby iHlllf"Njii'il wlth a Polious o irnr mv Plaster for a5 cents. It an14 ll.t mi iillitlatenPain, vltallzes Weak ow a anli vvorn Out Parts, strenuthSUFFERIKa HERVE "s 1'rd MubcIm. prevents ilt it" '""")" more In one-half the time than any otïierpl'asl.rintli.; worlrt, Sold everywhere. i ¦' WÜU the coming man Bmoke ?" was Bettled by Prof. Fiak in bis chsnuinit immphlct. Ho saj-B, moreover, that tlie raüonal way to use tobáceo is tbrough the pipo. All aifroe that only the best tobáceo ehould be üscd. Wliicli is tho bestr That to which Nature hascontributed the most . qnjBite flavorB. BlackweU's Buil Durham Smoking Tobacco filia the bill vompletely. Nearly two-thirds of aUtho tobáceo gTOwn on tlie Golden f obacco belt of North Carolina Koes lntcrtheinanuiactory of Blackwell at Durhatn. They buy the piek of I . the entire soction. Henee Rul i tö'Ji BiackweU'B Buil Durhain fÊsA Wfè Smokinif Tobacco is the BaB SI best of that tibacco. Dou't rvSÊSr be deceived when jou buy. RSwSrïS Th0 ])ulh"m Bu" .trail' i EÏÏAN-8 IMPEHIAL TKUS8 OffiOPimllton Block. Ann Arbor. SBBSCfilBE for tlie CüOBIïB.


Ann Arbor Courier
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