County Items
Vm. Knappehairman, and Homcr Boyd and Hiram Pierce are tlie standing republican townsliii commlttee. Tlie delégate to the convention at Ann Ait.r April, 17, ara ('. H. VViiu-., Hiram Pierce, Geo. Keinpf, E rus tus Üooper, M. Lowery and H. S. Holmes. Tlie rinks, during the past weck, have presen ted som exciting races. The first on tlie pi-neramme, was at Foster's rink lust weck VVednesdiiy evening, and jwns oallled a ''barrel race"- the euiitestants bti.ig obliged to pass arouud tlie rink and through n hogshead ten times. Quite a nuiniier pjirticiwated tor the prize, an album, but Wil! Campbell was the lucky inner. DSXTKK. Krom the Dexter Leader. Mrs. Jobn Vaughn, Sr., fractured her ann on Tuesday last. The benetit concert given bv the Ann Arbor School of Music tor Miss Flora Stewart, was hi;hly enteitai)ing, and tbe persons engaged are to be compliinented tor the artistic marnier in whfch they pertormecl thelr varUms parts. Owiiie to the illness of Mrs. G. R. Uavüand, Mrs. Fisher was substituted. Last Satuiday being the twenty-fitth anniversary of the wedded lift of Mr. Fred Lathrop and hls woilhy s ou.'e, between 35 and 30 of thuir relatives, entirely DlibtJcnown to thein, entered their donicile and took possession tliereof, brinjfna vith them ibout forty dollars worth ot silver-ware, and all tlie refreshmenia they needej, and hearts fnll of joy and happine. Fred was "jnst too happy for anythiug." They had h jolly time and all telt that sucli socials were a goud in.stitutlon. MANCHESTER. Frora thü Entcrpribe. We learn that Jacob Ktichert laexprct ed home trom Germany next week, aceornpaiiied by a nuinber of triends. We learn that Johnny McMahon, the (¦iicus man, ot Shaion, is imw traveling in Central America and is doing a good business. Mr. Chandler fonnerly of the Gregory house, Ann Arbor, who took an excursión ti ip through Calitoruia, ürejion, etc, with a view of lucttUng, returned, convinced that old Washtenaw is the place for liim, and vvill accordingly settle here. Farmers' Club the old oaiuêl' FJ3frvll elecied :ip follows: T. B. H illaday, President; Wilder Bancroft, Vice President; C. L. Hall, Secretary; James Hay, Treasurer; R I). Palmer and S. W. Holmes were appointed members of the executive commiilee. SALINE. From the Observcr. Monday ntght, afterspeiuling the past winter at their fortner home here, Clias. öanford, his brother Sheiidan and Airs. Webster Sanford and li.tle child, left for Sykeston, Dakota, their present home. Mr. H. C. Conn and tnmily, of New York eily, moved to Saline this week. Xhey will be welcomed back with a hearty wish by their many tiiends who will remeuiber tbein as lormer resifl.íiits hííre. Ucliis uere. R. Salsbury, of Nora, ie!urne;l acouple of weeks since trom Oliio, wbre lie attended a stock sale or cattle. He purchased a couple nf Jersey cuws, one of whichsoaled 9üpoints al gerent! couiity t'airs latt tall mu leceivid iirst pieiniums. He has since been .iT red S40( .0.) for the out-. YPSILANTI. From theSentlnel. The sudden appea ranee of Uev. Mr. Boyden, and Prof. Etabrook, in tlie city last Monday, appeared significant. On inquiry we learned tliat their visit was probably cotiuectcd with a littlu afi'air of lrf. Vroouian's - tnarriüge to one of the litdtes of the school. Co-eilucation is a wonderful uccess. From the Ypsilantian. Madame Janauschek was imonr the batuei'8 at Ypsilanti Mineral Bath istablishment Weduesday. Burlars entered several residences on the west sidt', Monday nlglit, without securing much booty. Otis Huston, a son of Robt Iliiston, of Cantón, met with a feartul accident last Öaturday. While cuttina: pickets lor De. Bonsteel, a slab ttew up and thiew his rifflu hand on the saw, tearing and niiingling it in u fcarful manuer. Dr Batweil was summoned and divssed the hand. Two linrers were removed, but hopes are entertained of saving the Otlieru and leaving him soinithing of a usetul hand. He is iirogressing vt-ry tavorably. From the Commercial. Mis. Anna Van Cleve has $70 wildcat inoney, on diU'erent banks. Thos. Crcech's little boy Frank was terribly bnrnt ubout the les and fect on Monday mornina;. llr. had come out of the bedroom, and was standing by tlie stove Mr. C. took up the pot of boilUig coffee, and the batidle coming ofl', spilt the boiling conteuts upon his teet and le-s. The revival meetinjis at the B;iptist cliurch have been laraely attended dav and evening. Mr. Sayles rivets his audlencetothe subject. We never knew of closer or more wrapt attention given to the preaching of the gwpej. Thuixlay evening seventy-five had ven in their ñames as baring experienced a change of heart and entered upon a new lite.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News