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Short advortlsenienU uo' t j three Unes, of Lost ana Found, Hoorn (nr Sale or Rent, Wants, eto.. insert' ] tiieee eekh for 5 cents. Situatlonsjwai ited. ae. LOST- Monday afteirnooo. April Hth, between Dlxboro ana Aon Arbor, a pocket book containing a congideraMe araount of inoney. inrormatior, conco'.ning thesame raay be left at Uits o&me. ANTEÜ.- A VieVi impruved farm of ubout 20 aerea In ar near Ann Arbor. Uive deacription nd price. E. M. KuLLOGO, Owobío, Mich. fiOOD.souDd, yuuug Hurse lor Mie or hlre. For ternis enqnire at JAMKS KITSON'S, Mlllfr Avenof . I'KN ÏOXS uf (Jlover Hay lor Kale. W. W. WIIKDON. HOK SALE- Covorel Pha-ton, nearly new. X Enqulre at Kxpress office. U8W-U1 LOST- On Huron st., near Baptist Choreta, Ladies' Carneo Ring. Finder is requested lo leavu it at tue Courier office. UbH-IüU ÖR SAI-Ë - Great bargain, 2U acre fnn, joins A. A. city liiuits nortb, six room house, brick cellar, two story barn, two well nnd clstern, 2,500 grape vines, 200 apple trees, hedge, shrubbery, etc. Address at once Z. V RIMÚ. Aun Arbor. ÍORSAI..E - líouse and lot, corner of State aud Washington sts. V. M. SPALJHNO. Í1AHM FOKSALE.- Koiirinlleo west of Ann Arbor, on Dexler roaü. M. J. Si'.CLAiR.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News