Republican State Convention
A Republican State Conveutlon to select lour delégate at large und two delégales írom each Congresslonal district (where the latter have not been previously üuly electeii by district conveutlons) to attend the Nalional Republican Conventiou called Ui meet in Chicago on the thlrd day of June next, for tlie noiuluátion of candldates lor President and Vlce-Presldent, and to choose a otato Central Committee, will be held in Grand Kapids, on Thursday. the 24th day of April, A. ü. 11S84, at 11 o'cluck A. M. The Kepublican elector of the State, and olí other votera, without regard to past political dlö'erences, whoaie n favor of elevating and digulfyingAmerican labor.protectlng and extending hoine Industries, glviug free popuJar education to the masses of the people, securlug lree suilrage aud an honest counting oí ballott, eífectually protectiug all human righls in every section ol our couiniou connuy, nnu wtio deaiio to promote íriendly feeling and permanent harinony throughout the land by u ainlaininga national government pledged to these objects and principies, are ooi'dially invited to particípate ín theelection ol delegates to this couvention. The varlous Uongresslonal dtstrlcts have theoption of electiug their delegates to the Mational conventiou at separate popular delégale convention, called on not lesa than twenty day1 published notlce, aud regularly held m the Congresslonal dlstricts at any time within fitte n days next prior to tbe meeting of the Mate convention, or by subdivisions of the State conventiou into district conven tlons, as has been heretofore prautlced. All snch district delegates shall be accredited by the olliuers of such district conventlons, Under resolutions heretofore adopted counties will beentltled to one delégate for each 500 votes cast for Qovernor at the last general electlon, and one addltional for every íraction of noi less than SOO vutes. Each organlzed county will be entitled to al least oue delégate, and no delégate will be t'ntltled to a seal In the Convention who does not reside In the county he proposes to represent. Secretarles of County Conventions are requested to promptly forward certifled lists of the delegates chosen to the Hon. Wllliam Llvlugstone, Jr., at Detroit, Mlch., as soon as practicable afler their several conveutious ure held. K. S. LACEY, Chairman. Wm. Livingstone, E. W. Cottrel!, H. B. Kowlsou, Burton Parker, Jno. C. Sharpe, O. C. Tonipkins, James Monroe, J. M. Sbepard, K. G. D. Holden, Ueo.W. McBride, Chas. F. Klmball, K. C. White, Wm. Hartsufl, Kdgar Weeks. W. M. Kllpatrlck, A.lJ. Darragh, E. O. Shaw, Jno. M. Rice, T. C. Phillips, Albert Pack, T. T. Bates, W. V. Swift. Kepublican SUite Central Com. ï- Washtenaw county s entitled to sevemeen delegates.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News