Republican County Convention
A Repnblican Coonty Conventlon to elect seyenteen delégate tu the State Conventlon tobe held at Grand Bapidg, on Ihursriay. April ÍMth, 18S4, at 11 o'clock a. m., to elect delegates to tbe Kepuhlican Natiooal Couvention t Chicago. June 8d, 18S4. and to traneact ench otber bnslness ae may properly come beíore lt, will be beid at the Court Uouse Ín the cit oí Ann Arbor, on Thariday, April lTth, 1884, at 12 o'clock m. The severiil cities and townfhips will be enttiled to delegates in thu Connty ConventiOL as followa : By order of Executive Coramittec. J. T. JACOBS, Cbairman. L. F. Wadf, Secretary. Anu Arbor, March 19, 1884.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News