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The wheat marketed in Washtenaw county i...

The wheat marketed in Washtenaw county i... image
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The wheat marketed in Washtenaw county in March at eleven elevators and milis was 4H, 074 bushels. During February the highest temperature was 57, the lowest 12' below, and the average was 24". About 7 inches of rain and inow feil Some of the Union party of the State and city are beginning to see the character of the crowd they have been training wltb, and to discover the falsity of tlieir charges, statements and asseitions. "We would cali their atteution to the discomfiture of their Chairman, Dickie, as well as to the sensible words of their paper, the Grand Rspidl Post, elsewliere quoted. The uppointruent by a Kepubliean council of a Democrat to tlic be6t paving city office is certainly a very magnanimous action, but it causes conmieut auiong those who think that as the Democrats had enjoycd that office the threc yoars last past under their owu admtnUtration, now that there is a cliange in tlic majority there ought to be a corresponding ehange in that ollice. Whilc there may bu no objectioiiB to Mr. Watts as a man, it is thought there :ru just as cood men in the Hepublican party wlio might better liave been honored as city treasurer. The policy of tlie Democrats when in office is to capture the spoils. We lind no fault witli it, and thiuk the Kepublicans should do the sanie. The best is jood cnough for Kepublicans.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News