Real Estate Transfers
Patrick Güllagher to James Qulgg, Sclo Had Webster, 165 acreH 10,39j Wra. Klein to öetli O. Aruuld, Superior,; acres 12,000 Hamel A. Hbowerraau to iienry Klcüardson, Ypsllaotl, lots 1,9:5 G'ban. Meüormlek to Uarrlsou Kairohllü, Ypsllautl, lol 8 500 Samuel Fay to Samuel Fuy, Jr., Loül, 8U acres 000 Chaa. U. Kempf to Sclby Drury, Cbeleea, lot „ _ (jxi Wra L Carr to Mlcbaol Bcuatble, Manchester, tó acre _ _ WW II. B. Vogel by adm. to J. F. Keru, Freedom, löaore _ l,l(jj Erawtus W. Basuiu to Ueorge VV'. Crane, YpUaDti. 137 acres 8,000 Jeanuette B. Campbell to Eilward L. Dunn and J C. Uemh. Ypsilaull. lot 2 5QQ Bobt, iteln'bart'tÖMaiyA. vivia'u, ' üllautl, lot 1,000
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Patrick Gallagher
James Quigg
William Klein
Seth O. Arnold
Harriet A. Showerman
Henry Richardson
Charles McCormick
Harrison Fairchild
Samuel Fay
Samuel Fay Jr.
Charles H. Kempf
Selby Drury
William L. Carr
Michael Schaible
R. B. Vogel
J. F. Kern
Erastus W. Basom
George W. Crane
Jeannette B. Campbell
Edward L. Dunn
J. C. Demosh
Robert Reinhart
Mary A. Vivian