The Common Council
Wednesday evening, April O, '84. Present, full board except AMernicn Swift, Martin and Vaujrhan. Iteport cf Committec on Fiuance adopted and warrant ordered drawn for various expenses amounting to $1,180 60. The comraittee to whom the petition of the Union Hookand Ladder eonipany was assigned reported in favor of the acceptance of the co'iipany to take the place of the Dctiance Hook and Ladder companv, the membership to be limitad to twenty. Report adopted. The report of the coiiinilttee to hom was referred the building of the Slxth ward engine house was adopted and warrant drawn for $50, covering the balance to Lucas & Tessuaer, the contractors. f 15 was also ordered drawn in favor of A. Eisele for certain additions made outside of contract. Reports of Monday elections received and different ofllcers declared du!y elected. Resolution by Alilerman Heinzraann that the recorder be allowed the sum of f50, for preparing the recjrder's animal report, and also one by Alderman Hiscock that warrant for $52.35 be drawn in favor of H. E. H. Bower for printing reoorder'a report and publishing an ordinance relative to inflammable matter. Pólice and poor fund reports adopted. Special meeting, Monday even i ng, A p ri 1 14. '84. A full board present. STANDING COMMITTEES 1884-5. Finance- C. E. Hiseock, V. C. Vauglui and G. H. Rhodes; general fund- J. F. Lawrence, J. S. Henderson and Thomas Kearns: general street - J. S. Henderson, J. Heinzmann, Thos. Kearns, J. F. Lawrence, Earl Ware and V. C. Vauln; sidewalks - G. Luick, J. Wal, C. E. Hiscock, A. Kisele, G. EL Rhodes and Win. Biggs; flre department - J. S. Henderson, G. Luick and Thos. Kearns; pólice - J. Heinzmann, C. E. Hiscoek and A. Eisele; license - W. D. Harriman, C. J. I)uihim nd C. E. Hiscock; parks - Thos. Koarns, Win. Biggs and J. Walz. Report of city lire department offlceis for ensuing year, as per election Friday evening, April 12, '84, as follows, adopted: Chief raffineer, Moses Seabolt; first nssistant, R. F. Sanford; second amistan t, Theodore Pack ; treasurer, Charles Worden; steward, Jacob Hauser; secretary, N. D. Gates. Fire wardens in different wards as follows : First - Fred Scuinid, C. Rinsey; second - Wm. Herz, John Lucas; tliird- John Dow, W. E. Walker; fouith - Micbael Clark, John Fogarty; flfth - G. H. Rhodes, W. Porter; sixth- A. F. Martin, P. D. Woodruff'. City omcere were then balloted tor with the following results: For treasurer, first ballot,, M. S. Pulsifer, 6; M. Clark, 5; B. F. Watts, 3; second ballot, Watts, 8; Pulsifer, 5; Clark, 1. F. Watts declared clected. For city marshal, first ballot, J. S. Nowland, 7; C. S. Fall, 3; Z. Sweet, 2; E. B. Gidley and T. Clarkens, each 1; rifth and sixth ballots, Nowland and Fall each 7; C. S. Fall receiving 8 votes on the seventh ballot was declared elected. On the first ballot for city attorney the two highest were E. D. Kinne, G; and D. Cramer, 4. Mr. Kinne receiving 11 votes on the second ballot against 3 for Mr. Cramer was declared elected. A resol ution that the city treasuier for the coming year be requested to deposit the city funda coming into hls hands with such person or persons or Corporation as -shall pay the highest rats of interest therefor, was adopted. A resolution oftered by Alderman Lawrence that each of the supervisors for the three city districts reoommend a person for appointment as street commissioner, (jounciT then adjourned.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News