Woman's Board Of Missions
The animal meeting of the Michigan branch of the Woman'g Board of Alissions of the interior was held in this city last week Wednesday and Thursday, at the Congregational church, some three hundred ladies, mostly delegates, being present at the opening on Wednesday afternoou. The address of welcome was delivered by Mrs. W. H. Ryder, and was responded to by the president, Mrs. L. Kassick. Mrs. George R. Gold, of Flint, a secretary, then presented her report, among other things referring to the fact that the society had supported during the year four missionaries at a cost of $1,500; that nine schools and teachers had been inaintained, at an expense of $2,000; alsoeight bible women and native helpers, $,")00; children's investment in Iteaóter Morning Star, $200; contributions of the younjt ladies to the bridge fund, $700; the society' share of the general contingent fund, $1,000. Of the fourteen conferences throughout the State, but two are unorgauized. Contributions have been rcceiveü from une hundred and twenty organizatloas during ihe year. From the report of ttie treasurur, Mrs. Geo. H. Latbrop, of Jackson, the total rex;eipts for the year were shown to be $($,093.40. Tho balance on hand in the contingent fund in $42.74. Miss ttary E. Piukerton, thu society'a missionary in Houth África, made; au a))eal la behalf of the miosionaries in the Znlu country for more tMittUtcé. Latvr she g:ive au intereítii)!í description of Zulu life and of the hinaeraneas to mi - sionary woik among that peoiile. Mrs. Warner, of J:ickson, read a pM r by Mrs. A. C. Hamilton, of Olivet, in tl e latter's absence, entitled " She hath doi e wliat she could." A iarge audieuce in the evening listened to an interesting addres by an Australian missionary, Rev. H. A. Sehauffler; liis subject wan, ''Missionary Experienoe among the People of John Huss." On Thursday morning following the raodlsg of a letter from Miss Holüster, a missionary of the society in Turkey, reports by the conference presidents were I received. Officer.s as follows for the RHafng year l year were plected: Prusiilent, Mrs. Jamos ' B. Angelí; vice-presidunt, Mrs. N. SUght ; ! Becretary, Mrs. Geo. II. Lathrop. Conference vice-presidents - Jaekson, Mrs. Thomas Holmes; Marshall, Mis. Joseph Estabrook; Grand River, Mr. Geo. A. Pollard; Genese?, Mrs. Franklln Noble; Southern Micliigan, Mrs. A. I?. Sbattnck; Eslamazoo, Mrs. M.F. Stnitli; Grand Traverse, Mrs. J. E. Balen ; Western, Mis M. W. Fairlleld; Lansing, Mrs. J. L. Patton ; Cheboygaii, Mis.Dr.Hurtly. The remainder of the foronoou session was occtipied for the most part in the disenssiou of the topic, " Why I Believe in Forelgll Missions. "' The afteruoou program wa# une of tuin li intereBt and protit. Kast Saginaw was decided upoii u IIjc uext place of oieetiug. Following tlie usual votu of tüauki (hu meeting adjournud. Thuidday eveniug wat sptnt very pleasantly in an informal reception given by the ladies of the cluircli in houor of tho delegatea.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News