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BOARD OK M'PKRVISonS., Ann Arhor T.iwn 'F. B. Braiiu, K. City-iítdistnct.Heury D.K.núett, D. ¦ au " ...I'atrick O'llearn. D. ;i ...c. A. Mailii'wion. K. Augusta "ïVilllim DanxiuKnrit, lt. Bridgewater James M. Kref, D. Dexter Ricbard McQnUlan, D. Frecdom John G. Feldkamp, D. Lima John V. N.QreKory, D. Lodi Michacl Staehler, D-' Lyndin Frcderlck A. Ilowlett, 1). MancU'Sler Huratio, y . Northfleld Fatr(ck S. Bortell, D. PiltHÜold Morton i". C'a-se, R. Salem .;..George 8. Whéeíer, R. Saline '..-...,.... 'Mt thew Scefjer, K. Scio CharlcsS. Greory, D. Shnron ¦..„.¦...¦ ..;Wm. B. Oshoru, D. Saparlor Wm. C. Marray, D. Sylvan Jamec L. Gilbert. B. Webster AlOBZO cileaver, R. York Alfred Davenport, Anti-Monopoly. Ypsilantt Tuwn Albert lï. Graves, R. Ypatlantl City- Ut DtotrlcJ Lee Yost, R. ' 2d " Martinne L. Shutts, D. Frorn the above it is seen that the Board stands as follows: Democnits, 13; Republicana, 10; Anti-Monopoly and Green back, eacli 1. In the first district ot' tliis city and in Superior, the Republicana lose supervisors and a inember in Pittsfield. Tlie Anti-Monopolist on the Board acts with the Democrats, as last year. The asterisk ibove Indicates re-elected supervisors. Townsliip Officers Concludcd. liUIIKiElVATER. Supervisor James M. Krc8s Clerk Francia M. Pal roer Deputy Clerk, appoiuted HeDry K. Palmer Trcusnrer . . . ; Franït Lerg Justice of ihe Peaca Robert McHeoney " (tbree years) Adum Rcidel, Sr. " (t.o years) Wm. Gadd Hlehway Comiuií'ioner Jacob Blum, Sr. Drain " Jacob Bliim school Iuspctor Kraiik .luhnson Const ablcs, Charles Koerii.g, Challes Ubi, Jacob Baur, and James Uorton. Solid Demociatic. LIMA. Supervisor John V. N. (irepory Clerk W llliam Covert Deputy Clekr (ly appolntmeul). .Bugene B. Preer Treasurer Theodore F. Covert Justice of the Peace Thomas F. Morae " " " short term... Robert Buchanan Highway Commissloner John G. Z,ihn Drain ' Christian Friiz School Tnspcctor Edtvard A. Nordman Constables Theodorc F. Covert, John Ilebee, Chri-tian Fritz and Robeit Bucbaruin. NORTHFIKD. Supervisor P. Pnitcü Clerk ..P. H. Dolan Treasnrer .....Henry King Justice of the Peace Patrick Wall Ilighway Commissioner Patrick Preston Drain ' FredericK Procknow School Inspector Thomas D. Kerny " " short term Frauk Comesky Constables, Wm. Walker, John Ueinzmnn, Jamrs McHuh, and Augustus Procknow. Solfd Democratie. I rlTTSFIELU: Supervisor ..Morfon f. Case Clerk Benjamin N. Smith Treasurer Pnilander n. linuse Justice of the Peare Nathan Webb Highway Coromissloner Frederiek Hntze' Drain " Jcflerson C. Bouec School Inspector E. W. Coddinstou -hort term ..... William Campbell SÏLVAN'. Supervisor James L. Qllbert Clerk Jqhn A. Palmer Treasurer Hiram Lighthall Justice of the Peace Mlchuel 3. Lehman Hichway Commlssioner A uenst Mensini.' Drain " Frnk Sweetland School Inspector Ira Glover Constables, Jacob Stan"rd, M rtim r if. Campbell, James Hudlcr. S1URON. (Concluded frem last week.) Drain Commissioner CJorald Dealy School Inspector Frank D. Merithew B. Gieske and Henry L. Rcnau. Solid Democratie. WEBSTF.R. Supervisor.... Alonzo Ols.iver Clerk HenryScadin Deputy Clerk, [by appolntmeut] ..Willlam Scndin Treasurer John A. Cafhin:r JusUce of the Peace Henry n. Wilson Hichway Commissloner Austin A. Buckelew Drain " Kdwin Ball School Inspector Russell C. Reeve Constables, Joseph Todd, Owen Gilmore. Solid RoDiiblican. YPS1I.ANTI CITY. Mayor Chest er L. Vest, D Snpervisor, Ut district Lee Yost, R Constable, " M Georgc Pulmer, D Bnpervisor, 2 i " Martinus L. Shatto, D ConetaMe, " " .... Stephen HutchinepD, D Aldermcn, lpt ward Edward M. Spencer, D " 2d ' .Williarn Pattison, D ' 3d " Hiram Batchelder, B M Iti 'k JosepU Follmor, D " bih " Thomas Neat, D


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