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I @Si f [CONQUEROR.J A SPECIFIO FOR WK EPILEPSY, SP&SMS, "s CONVULSIQNS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DAKGE, ALCKOHOLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPKILLIS, SSROFULA, KiKGS EVIL, USLY BLQQD DISE&SES, DYSPEPSIA, HEHVOUSKESS, SIGK HEADAGHE, RHEUMATISM, KERVOÜS WEAKNESS, MHV0Ü3 PROSTRATION, BRAIN WOHRÏ, BLOOD SORES, BILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARIT1ES. gV$1.50perhoitle.'TPB Tot testimoniáis anJ tiroulara send stamp. The Dr. S. A. Rlclimond Med. Co. , Props., C3t. Tesaph, L=. (U) Coïreipondence freelj mis, red by rhysidans. Sold by all UruuKist. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., A?ents, Chicago, Illinois. CAIN , iiwv.rcd unu iidppiilGSS. ip 9 DO AS OTHERS O&CnAÏ L HAVE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered? ''Kidney Wort bi-ought me from my gravo, as C were, after 1 had been given up by 13 best doctors in Detroit." M. W. Deveraui, Mechanlc, Ionia, Mich. Are your nerves weak? "Kiduey Wort oured me froin nervoim wuakneefl &r.,aftirl was not pipeoted tolive."-SIrs. M. M. II. Ooodwm, EO. chriatian Monitor Cleveliuid, O. Have you Bright's Disease? "Kidney Wort eured rae wiien iny water was Jiist liku clialk ajid tlien llke blood." Frank Wllson, Peabody, Mass. Suf f ering from Diabetes ? "Kldn-jy-Wort la the most tmccesfiful remedy I hare erur used. Glves almost imraediate relief." Dr. Philllp C. Ballon, Monkton, Vt. Have you Liver Complaint? "Kidney-wort ciired me of chi-onic Liver Dlseases after I praytsd to die." Henry Ward, late CoL 69th Nat. Ouard, K. Y. Is your Back lame and aching? "Kidney-Wort, (1 bottle) cured me wben I was so lame I had to loll out of bed." O. M. Taumage, Milwaukee, TVte. Have you Kidney Disease? "Kiüney-W ort mode me houiuI in liver and kldneys aftt-r yeara of unsuceessful ioctoring:. 3ts wurth $10 a bux."- Sam'l Hodges, WUüamstown, West Va. Are you Constipated? "Kidn"y-Woi t causes easy evaeuniions and cured me alter 16 years Tise of otlier mfdieinea." Nelson FairchiM, St. Albans, Vt. Have you Malaria? "Kidncy-Yv'ort has done better tl.nn any other remedy X have ever used in my praetice." Dr. . K. Clark, South Hcro, Vt. Are you Bilious? "Kiflney-Wort has done me more good tlian ny other remedy 1 havo ever taken." Mrs. J. T. (ialloway, Elk riat, Orefon. Are you tormentad with Piles? "Kidney-Wort permanrntly currd me f i)lecding piles. I)r. w. O. Kline recommended it to me." Geo. H. Horet, Cabhier M. lí:icl;, Myel-stown, Pa. Are you Rheumatism racked? '¦Kidni-y-Wort curtd me. after 1 was Kiven up to dio by iiliysicians and 1 had raSend tliiriy raanT" Klbridfe'e Malcolm, Weat Batll, Maine. Ladies. are you suffering? "Kidney-Wort cured me of peculiar troubles of wvtTiü yt-ara standing. Many friends ise and praiso it." lira. H. Lamoreaux, lsle La Motte, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take The blood Cleansew. 1HE DAVIS SWING CHUfiN. The Moit Popular Thiirn on ihO M-.iU.-t. Jj Because it makea tha Jf fff moet buttor. BecauBu ' SrKr'X. " ot"r -'harn works (ílT' t eo Becanse It W? makes the beet . gralned Trn'A Tíf bntter. lïecause It It 'jÁl v tlieensiest oleaned. Ic 1 ,-í. luienoíloats or paddttM y X liiulde. Alaothe KuresX k" tier Wnrk. - -TVN. vr.the %viítc Rut- t'-r lrlnifr. and a ful! Uno oí líutter Maklng Utensils for líuirlc-HMiidFactnripa. Pend forlllust ral ed Circular. VÜKMOXT FAHM MACHINE í'O., liellovFalU, Vt.


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