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Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OK MICHIOAN, County of WashIn the matter of the estafo of Anna T. Hollister, an incompetent person. Notlce 1 hereby siveu, that in pursnance of an order granted to the underBlgued, gaar! dian of said Anna T. Hollister, by the Honorable Judge of Probate for the County of Washteuaw. on the ninth day of April, A. I). 1884, there wlll be sold at public vendue, to the hlghest bidder, at the east front door of theUourt House, In the city of Ann Arbor, : in the county of Washtenaw. in said State, : on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh day of May, A. 1. 1884, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of I that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortsage, or othorwise exlstlug at the tline of salej the lollowlug described real estáte, to wit The undlvided hnlf interest in flfty feet off : the tiouth sltle of lot No. thlrteen in block No four, south of Huron street, range No. eight east, accurdlng lo the recorded plat of i the Ann Arbor Luud Coinpauy'H adJitiou to the villageCnow city) ofAuu Arbor, Washtenaw couuty. Michigan Guardian. Dated, Ann Albor, April 9th, 188t. ll!tU-4 ; i -t .i 1 or Lois D. and Walter B. Burnett. QTATEOFMlCHlGAN.Countjol At a 8CS81OD of the Probate Court for the Connty of Washlenaw, bolden t the Probate Office in the city ol Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, tbe second day ; ol April, in the year one thousand eight hundred land eighty-four. Present, William ü. Ilarrimun, Jude ol' Probate. In the matter of theestilte of Lois D. Furnett and Walter I'. Burnett, minors. On readim; and aiing ihe petition, duly veriiled, of Ann E. Buruett, 1 guardián, praying that she may be liceuied to sell 1 certain real estáte belonsing to nttid minore, Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, tne tacond day of May next, at ten o'cloclt in the lorenoou, be agsigned for the hearing of eald petition, and that the next of kin uf said minors, and allother perBona interested in j said estáte, are requtred to appear at asession of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, aud Bhow cause, if aoy there be, why the prayer of the petltioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, fhat paid petltioner ijive nolice to the persons interested in said estáte, ot the pendency of said petiiion, and the hearing thereof, by causiog a copy of thia order to be published in i the Ann Arbor Uourier, a newspaper printed and 9 circalatlng in eaid county, tbree succes-tive weelis previoustosaid day ot hearing. (A true copy.) W1LL1AM ü. HAHK1MAN. Judie of Probate. : W. (i. DOTY, Probate Register. 1190-93 Real Pístate for Sale. STATLOr" MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, i t -- _f (Mowerson) a minor. Notice is hereby given, that in pnrsuance of an oriier granted to the undersigned euardian of Baid minor, bv the Hon. Judge of Probate for .the Couuty of Washtenaw, on the eigbth day ot April, A. D. 1884, there wlll be sold at public vendae, to the highest bidder, at the dwelling honse, on the [ premises hclow described, in the Townehip of Sui peri'ir, in the Cuuhi of Washtenaw. in ild State, on Taesday, thu twenty seventh day of May, A. D. I 1884. at ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that day (sul) ject to all enenmbrancet by mortsage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale), all the rlght, title i aud intese8t of s:ild minor in the rolloii)g de scrihed real estáte, to-wït The west uixty (liO) acres of Ite eait half of the 1 southeaet iiuarter, and the eust ten (10; acres of the west half ol the smithenst quarier ol' uection twei - i ty ('-')) in Ibe township of Superior, Washtenaw i couuty, in Michigan. JANE E. FHKBR, Gutirttian. Daten, April 8, l?8j. 11!) !)j Notlce to Credllors OTATE OP MICIHGAN.County of Washtenaw, ss O Notice is hereby given, thatby an order oí the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-sixth day oí' Marcb, A. L. 188-1. six munths from'the lOih day of April next ivere allowed for creditorstoprt'enttheir claims agaiusl theestate of Aaron F. Gay, late of said county, deceased, and 'hat all creditors of said deceased are required to present their cluims to said Frobaiu Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Anu Arbor,for examination ant1 allowance. on or before the tenth day ol uctobftr nexr, and that suchclalms will be heard oe lore said court, on Thnrtday, the tenth day of Jnly and on Fridiiy, the temh day ot October nuxt, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of each of said duys. Dated, Anu Arbor. Mmcb 26, A. D. 1884. WIIX1AM D. HARK1MAN, 11K8-1191 Judge of Probate. Estafe of Nathan II. Pierce. STATE OF M1CUIGAN, County of Washtinaw, ss. At a session of the Probnte Court for tin 'ountv o: VVashtenaw, holdeu at the ''róbate Office. In jjncity of Aun Arbor, on t'riday, the eleventh day of April, in tlie year on thousand eiuht hundred uud eighty-fonr. Prot-eut, William ü. Uarrimun, Judpe of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Natban H. Pierce, deceased. Od reudiug and filing the peiition, duly viTiÜed, of -ophia M. Plerc , prayint that a eertuin inatnime t now on file In tilia eourt ptirportim: to be the lust wil: aud n-stamtnt of said deceased, msy be adinitted to probate, and that administra tloii, viih t e wlll anu'-X'-d, may bc granted to her pelf. or some otlier imitable pt-rson. Thereupon it is ordered, ihat Monday, the twelfth day of Miiy next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, Du BMtigued for the hearing of said petition, aud that the aevtaees. legatueu and h;irs at law of said deceased, aud all other persons 1 iterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session ol said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City ot Ann Arbor, and show Ciuee, if any there be, why the prnyor of the petitiouer should not be grauted. And it is further ordered, that said administrator gtve n nii-e to the persous interented In said estáte, of pendency , ofaalil peiition, and the hearing therooi by causin" a copy of tuis order to be ptiblished in the. Aiiii Arbor Uourter. a newspiiper printed and circulat, ing in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, (A trne copy ) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. ¦ WM. G. DOTY, Pápate Rfff ' ÏX W. TREMAIN, GENBKAL IftiSIIBAlB IGBNCY f 1 il OKFICK : Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Slore, LOR. HUKON AND F0ÜRT11 STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburfr. capita), ti:!,ooo,ooj, Gold. I) Iroit Firc and Marine Insurunce Co., Cafh Asse s ?HOPWO. Sprinslicid Ins. Co. of MassftdmetU, Cash Assetj $1,800,000. llovrar 1 Ihs. Coinnany cf New York, c'a!i Aioe-ts $1,000,01. Agricultura] Ins. Co., WatertowB, N.T., -'ah As'j's ?1,200,000. Lotses Liberaüy Adjuitcd and I'romptly Pnid. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IX ANX AHUO1I. Shovild Advertise in TxiE COüEiER.


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