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VALUABLE TRÜTÏIS " If you are suflering from poor lienlth 'or languishing on u bed of siekuess, take 'cheer, for Hop Bitters wlll Cure You. "If you are simply ailin. if you feel 'weak and dispirited, wiinout clearly ' kuowlng wuy, Hop Bitters will Revive You. " If you are a minister, and have over taxed yourself with your pastoral duttes, 'or a niolher, worn out wilt care and 1 work, Hop Bitters will Restore You. "If you are a man of business or Iaborer 1 weakened by the strain of your evprv'dayduties, ora man of letters, Uj ]in ; ' over your midnight work, Hop Bitters will Strengthen You. "If yon are sufferin r from over enting, ' or drinkinü auy indiseretlon or iltoslp'tlon, orare younf and growiny too fast, ' as is olteu the case, Hop Bitters wili Relieve You. " If you are in the workshop, on the 1 fnrm, ut the desk, anywhere and feel ' that your syteni needs cleansing, tone'iug, or stimulatlug, without inloxicallng, Hop Bitters is whatyou Need "If you are old, nnd your blood thln 'and impure, pulse feeble your nérvea ' uusteady, aud your facilities wauius, Hop Bitterswill Civeyou New Life and Vigor. " HOP BITTER.S is an elegant, healthy, 'and refreshing flavoring for slok room ' Iniiks. impuro water, etc., rendering j 1 Ibem harmless, ana iwaetealog the 'ïnouth, and cleanging the stomacli. ' CleaiiKC, I'urily and Enriela th Blooct wilh lïop Bitter, Vnd you will have nosickness or suflerlng or dootor's bllls to pay. HOP BITTERS s an Klosrant, Pleasant, nn.l Refresblng Klnvorlng tor Slek-rouni. Drlnka.aild Impuro water rendering Uiem liarm i'.ns. sweetening ;he moutli, aud cleaddog the gtomaob. lioonl "KotiifU o Kuis."' Cleara out rats, niice, roach;1, tlies, mts, becl-bugs, skunks, i Uu munlis, fophers. 15c. Druggists.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News