The Census
l The County Clerk has received the ocn8U3 blunks for the special enumeration this year, and they are now ready for distribution. There are live sehedules proyided lor the enumeration of the several subjects of lüqulry, namely, for popntation, mortality, productions of agrien 1ture, manufacturen-, mines and fisherius, and librarles, schools and ehurches. Theoreticnlly there are 217 questions to be asked of every persou. A monient's exainination of the blauks will show that a thoroughly coni potent man alono sliould be chosen f )r taking tbU census; indeed, only sucli a person can satisfactorily do the work. The towuship boards and the city councils should bear thls in mind in their selection of enumerators, and tliey should be chosen at once. The work of the enumerators is to be reviewed July lst. Blanks have been procured as vet by only onc enumerator.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News