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Fred Schmid returned from New York Saturday. Dr. YVright, of Dexter, was in the ci'y Saturday. J. R. Mincr returned last week from bis eastern trip. Miss Allie Kcke, of Detroit, is visiting Miss Emily Smitli. Lewis ís'. Wood is home visitin}? liis parents ;md friends. Hon. J. J. Robison la in Slniron ugain. More fences down ? M. C. Peterson expects to get into his new house about May 1. L. C. Huil, principal of the Detroit schools, was in town Saturday. Peter Snaubl luis moved onto a farm in Lenawee county, iituated near Macon. Miss Biomley, of' Detroit gpeot the Eaater Vacatlon with friends in tliis city. Harry Morse and his grandmotlier, Mrs. Mllllken starter! for Alpena, Tuesday. Mrs. John Barry aud Miss Lizzie Clark, of Jackson, visited friends in the city last week. Mr. Farniim, of the firm of Savnge & Farmim, Detroit, was in the city Moníay Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheeler returned last week from their extended trip in the south. J. T. Jacobs, W. ö. Hicks aud J. E. Beal were in Detroit Monday, on business. The star clothing housn has a new clerk, Mr. Jerry O'Brien, formerly with Sheehan & Co. Miss Spoor lias been absent from the postofflee for several days past in eonsequenco of ill hcalth.] A. L. Noble is in the soulh to reinain for several weeks. He went to Chattanooga tirst, bat when last heard from was In Thomasville, Ga. Editor Bailey was in Detroit last week, and was interviewed by the Journal reporter on politics. He comes out for Roswell P. Flower, of New York, for president. Dr. S. B. Parsons moved froin our city last week iuto Keokuk, Iowa, expecting to make that his future home. A Dr. Hall of Iowa, suceeeds to his position hese. Harry 1. MyricU. a former resident of Anti Albor, has reccntly beeu promoted to the position ofmanaging editor on the MUwAukco Bentinel. Hú positiuu bas been telegraph editor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News